Saturday, February 8, 2014

Some things are inherited

My husband posted this pic stitch on Instagram last night, with the comment, "Some things are inherited." Yep, that's me on the right (rocking multiple chins even then) and my son on the left as a tiny laughing genial three-month-old.

My darling man has been a little bitten by the Instagram bug, despite his previous avowed avoidance of all things social media. He claims he only made himself an Instagram account so he could follow his children and not have me constantly poking him in bed saying, "Did you see this?"and "What about this?" I suspect he first became intrigued back when our son dared to call me an Instagram slut for posting so often and, highly insulted, I deleted my account then slapped my forehead the second it was done and said, "Now why on earth did I pay an iota of attention to that boy?" at which point I had to begin all over again. 

Well, not only did my man master pic stitch last night to his children's everlasting delight ("Omg! is that my brother and my mother?!?" and "Mom, is that really us? That's crazy!"), but he also declared, as we were watching the Winter Olympics opening ceremony from Sochi, that he was going to post a selfie. "Noooo," I advised, as he was sprawled on the couch, no shirt, just shorts and we all looked decidedly homey, as if we had definitively retired for the evening. Our son said mildly, "Daddy's posting selfies now?" as his father, clearly pleased with himself, tapped away on the screen of his iPhone, finally announcing, "There! Posted!" With some trepidation, I went to see what he had posted and it was this:

That's a photo of him as a toddler, happily upside down, his dad with a firm grasp on his ankle. It might be his favorite photo of himself of all time, especially because he is smiling, so sure he is that his dad will  never let him fall. 

"Oh, that's adorable!" I told him as our son added, "But that's not a selfie, Dad. It's a throwback."

He'll get the hang of this social media thing, yet.


  1. Ha! Well, it's a selfie AND a throwback. :)

    1. Steve, apparently the definition of selfie is you take the photo of yourself. This according to my son, the social media expert and over sharer. I guess he got that oversharing gene from somewhere!

  2. Oh, the babies! Hard to believe that we once were babies ourselves. Darling, drooling, grinning babies. Hard enough to believe our kids were babies.
    Love these. Very much.

    1. Ms. Moon, clearly braces were in my future! My kids cannot get over pictures of us as babies and children. And I do sort of remember as a child being incredulous myself that my full grown parents had once been children too.

  3. Oh, gosh. That might be my favorite throwback photo of all time. I might need to follow him.

    1. Elizabeth, it is a great photo! He has a very eclectic album but has only accepted as followers our young 'uns and 4 friends. He, unlike my son and me, is not much of a public sharer. I am grateful he sucks up whatever I might choose to put out there. Our daughter is definitely more like him.

  4. You were a happy genial laughing baby yourself and your son has a double chin too. Great photos. I was looking forward to that selfie LOL.

    1. Thanks, Kristin! I was NOT looking forward to that selfie, haha.
