Sunday, January 26, 2025

The rim of the world

My daughter, my niece and I went to Temple Court on Friday evening, and had a rather fancy dining experience under the auspices of New York Restaurant week. We chose the date because it was my mother's birthday, grandmother to these two beauties, and when the server asked were we celebrating anything special, we told him yes, my mother, their grandmother's birthday. And so he placed a lit candle on each of our dessert plates and we took a moment to be grateful that Lady Gloria had been ours in this life. and to imagine her playing bridge and laughing and being generally joyful with my dad and other loved ones in the next place.

As we all now know, the executive orders are coming fast and furious from the new regime, every morning a new rolling back of freedoms and privileges we took for granted. Inspector generals fired. Native Americans rounded up and declared non-citizens. All funding for medical research cancelled. All federal DEI programs abolished. All foreign aid frozen. I can't possibly catalogue it all here. But since I also can't seem to stop myself from bearing witness, I think it wise to make this space more private. I know the protection of that is leaky at best, but maybe it's something. Please email me (see previous post) if you want to come inside, out of the elements, when I close the door. 

I took an Uber to our dinner date last Friday. I asked the driver if he thought New York City's recently implemented congestion pricing was having the desired effect of thinning traffic in mid- and downtown. He said for sure it was, and I could see he was right, because in that part of the city you could sit for half an hour on a single block, watching the lights change ten or more times, unable to move an inch because of traffic blocking the box. On Friday, however, we sailed right through every light, sallied easily down the narrowest side streets, and then my Uber driver said, apropos of nothing, "The new president is going to fix everything," to which I replied drily, "Not holding my breath, not a fan." Later, recalling the exchange, I felt suddenly chilled. That driver has my name and address and all my details. We are in an era of people being invited to snitch on other people, and what if he was a plant for just such an operaton? You see where my mind has gone? This is certainly not okay.

Toni Morrison wrote a letter to girls and women in the May 1985 issue of Essence magazine, and I am reposting a portion of it here, for my daughter, for my nieces, for all the women in this world I love, and all the women in this world who deserve to be loved well, who should not need a DEI program to ensure their ability to participate in the rights and privileges of their homeland, their world. 


  1. I've been seeing the quote from Maya Angelou, "And still I rise". more often lately and it always lifts my spirits. Thanks for spreading the truth, Rosemarie.

  2. Codex: I have tendency to separate topics. I've been having those conversations with various cab drivers for years now. They always aggravate. Don't worry you're just another fare to him. These people are not in the service industry so they're often rude. I like to be friendly engage in small talk but many of them read social media all day and don't know what they are talking about. Don't take it personally.

    I'd like to recommend Lives of others. Great movie about the worst case scenario, many snitched many didn't.

  3. It will be interesting to see if SCOTUS over rules birthright citizen ship. The Russians who come here to give birth, apply for a birth certificate and leave will be severely inconvenienced. This sucks, it just sucks on all fronts.

  4. I wouldn't worry about the exchange with that Uber driver. He's gonna find out soon enough that the orange buffoon isn't going to "fix" anything.

  5. I cling to "you did alright girl." I tried my best to be good enough. As I look out on my amazing daughters, as I watched my incredible grandkid running for her university yesterday, I hope it was enough.
    Because I have not much left to me except to bear witness. I hope you have my email, for when you go private! I love the glimpses into your wonderful and full of wonder world.

  6. Lovely celebration! Never mind underpaid uber drivers, they are not the Stasi (The Lives of Others as mentioned above,
    I wonder if you have found this newsletter by the writer A.R. Moxon:
    Keep your head and heart open, my friend.

    1. Sabine, no they are obviously not the Stasi. My point was that a general atmosphere of mistrust is created and will get worse. I was not talking about the drivers, but the fact that even when the worst case scenario happened people resisted. It's also a very good movie. What is currently going on is very similar to the methods the Stasi used.

  7. I would be nowhere in life without the women who loved me (my cousins, my grandmother, my wife, my daughter...) and all the writers who bear witness.
    Sent you an email.

  8. We must continue to bear witness, to be a Bishop Budde, to persist in spite of. and yes, they will find out soon enough that Trump isn't going to fix anything, it's only going to get worse and in ways they never imagined.

  9. "Porch or horizon, your sweep is grand."
    I feel like all of us know this and yet, our culture tell us what we should know. What we should feel. Who we should listen to. Black or white, brown or red, Women are the womb of the world. And yet somehow, we allow ourselves to be, as John Lennon said, "the n****r of the world." I forgive him for using that word because he used it as an artist, a prophet, a truth teller.
    I am so glad you got to go out to celebrate your mama's birthday with those beautiful young women. How precious the light that was given to you to represent a matriarch, your mother.

  10. Sadly, we live in a very different place. With changes daily, liberty and justice for all seems to be slowly eroding. In these times, going private is probably best. I will send you an email.

  11. Glowing faces- the candle is such a nice touch on your desert plate, Fire- little bits of fire, burning especially for a celebration of love , is just right. You and your family certainly do make a lot of love! Thank you.
