Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm not particularly clear on what I'm feeling lately, hence the picture-heavy posts. I figure I can use this space to record photos I want to look back on until I'm ready to write my way out of the fog. My mom arrives this coming Monday. Her flight gets in at midnight. After that, I will no doubt be too busy to ruminate. Already I'm cleaning and sprucing up her apartment. On Sunday, I will lay in groceries, including lots of colorful fruit. And I will buy her flowers.

Here are some pics from when my mom first moved into her little studio across the courtyard. We call it her treehouse.

My mom's windows are large and airy and look out at trees.
The ceilings are very high, giving the space a loft-like feel.

Those are my feet. I'm snapping this pic while lounging in my
mom's recliner. The lamp is a lovely fake Tiffany number. 

This is the view from my mom's window one rainy morning.
She chose this studio for the green she sees outside. 


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time with your mother. How is her health lately?

  2. Thanks, ellen! My mom is frailer than last year. But she thinks her studio is a perfect size for her to navigate. Fingers crossed!
