Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The season of gold is here again

And here we are, just another workday. Don't forget to vote. 


  1. We have mail in so we voted three weeks ago.
    The colors in this shot of Birthday Man are exceptionally pleasing!

  2. All the colors of the rainbow in that sublime portrait of your husband.

    The beautiful golden leaves linger the longest. Once all the leaves are gone, we will still have all the evergreens and rhododendrons and ferns through the dark winter months. It really does stay green here in Western Washington throughout the year. We get very little snow. Fall is the most colorful season of all. Maybe that's why it is my favorite season.

  3. What a beautiful photo of your man and that tree. Perfect.

  4. You have a wonderful view out that window! I'd be gazing out instead of getting my work done!

  5. Autumn colours are beautiful. Clearing up the falling leaves ... not so beautiful.

  6. I love that view! I lived in Panama.

  7. The gold of that tree is glorious. I'm working my way backward through posts I've read but not commented on, and am sad that you lost this sturdy friend. An autumn tree is like an extra light shining in autumn when we most need it.

    You are talented at capturing these moments in photos!
