Friday, August 26, 2022

Love, that's all

I have been away working. I had a big job and not enough time to do it, and so I had my head down day and night, doing it. Ninety-one pages double spaced. An entire proposal, the selling document to be shopped to publishers, complete with an overview, sample chapter, and chapter summaries, the whole arc of the book brought into view. I did it. And in only three short weeks, this labor that normally takes two solid months to get it right. I did it. Even though we had house guests. Even though I didn't have enough time for connections to make themselves in the background of living, ideas to occur organically. I gave myself the deadline of my wedding anniversary, August 23, to complete an entire draft and send to my subject for her review, corrections, changes. My subject texted me yesterday that she is very happy with what she is reading so far, and we set a time for this weekend for me to get her changes by phone. That will allow me to have a clean final to turn in to the agent on the actual due date of August 31. Look ma, I'm doing it!

So that's why I've been scarce in these parts. And now, I don't even know how to write a post anymore. The problem with not writing here regularly is all the thoughts get tangled into a great big mass, all the things you noticed and wanted to share, all the passing magic of the world, and I can't seem to pick it all apart, make it march in coherent sentences. But this is me, making a start. 

That was my view as I worked, and since we were having company from home, as in my first and still forever home Jamaica, I finally had the windows cleaned. The view suddenly sparkled, the greens deeper and more varied than before. My brother and his ex brought my nephew to New York for college, the same one my son and my nieces Leisa and Dani went to by the way. It seems we have a legacy school in the family, and a legacy town, since my daughter and her love went to college in the same hippy dippy upstate college town, to the school on the opposite hill. It was lovely to have my family here for a week, my brother and his ex are very congenial, a gift from her to him if you ask me, because charming and entertaining as he is, he doesn't really deserve her ease. But it makes me happy, because her ease says she is beyond being hurt by him anymore, she has moved on in all the most necessary and heart healing ways, and now they can co-parent together without ripping pieces from their kids. Everyone can laugh together, and even make rueful jokes, and somehow it still feels like a family. I credit her entirely. She and I had deep conversations in the mornings over coffee, including about never before mentioned things, before I dived back into the digital blue world, roaming inside my head, coaxing the ideas to channel themselves through my fingers.

There was a method to my madness in choosing my anniversary as the date I would deliver the first draft of the proposal. It meant I could celebrate that evening with my beloveds. Both my kids and their loves came over, and we toasted each other with Prosecco that my son brought. Someone had given him and his fianceƩ the bottle to toast themselves on the night they will marry less than a month from now. They decided to toast us with the bottle instead. "What better way to celebrate a new marriage than by toasting a long time one," our son said. The picture below is of the house after they all went home. I didn't get a good picture of us all, I was probably still too distracted and in my head, but it was an easygoing vibe with five of my favorite people in the world.

And now, I have looked fear in the face and hopefully dodged failure once more, and I've even managed to write some paragraphs here this morning. Hello, hello, my dear friends. How I have missed you.


  1. I so love what your son said while sharing that bottle of Prosecco with you and the family. So much love in every way there. Hope all goes well with your work in progress.

    1. Robin, I loved what he said, too. Sometimes, they remind us that they are noticing what we do, how we live, and this was a very sweet instance of that. Funny thing is, the man and I had just argued over his getting a new suit for the wedding, nothing serious, but his dad retorted, "Your mother almost divorced me 20 minutes ago." "Fat chance," our daughter said. And I added, "That's right, you're stuck with me." All that to say, it's nice when they notice the good.

  2. You have been missed! But my mind reels at what you've gotten done, especially with company in the mix! Did you enjoy the Prosecco? Something about the name is so appealing; I've never tried it and probably never will but I always wonder what it tastes like when I read about it. Belated anniversary congratulations to you and your beloved.

    1. jenny, to me Prosecco is like champagne, but lighter, with less bite, and I don't hate myself in the morning.

  3. That wonderful exhaustion after a long slog of hard and purposeful work. I can feel it. Well done!

    1. Thank you, Sabine! It is a relief to have it done, but I never know what to do with myself after a period of such intense focus. A happy problem, I suppose.

  4. Your home is a welcoming place, with graciousness in the warm welcome you give to family and friends, near and far. I feel welcomed when I read your words and look at your photographs. Good to know the current book is moving forward as a result of your focused work. Wonderful to hear your voice in your post today.

    1. am, thank you, my friend for being here. Though you may not know it, you have become one of the people I write for. I was so moved that you read the other books I collaborated on, and now you are with me as I write! Bless you.

    2. Dear am, somehow I missed responding to your precious self. Thank you for your kind comment and for making the atmosphere around our little table here kind and true. xo

  5. I was thinking about you the other day, wondering what giant task you were working on. That was a giant task, and you are the deadline slayer. Congratulations! I do love your home, it looks so inviting and comfortable.

    1. Ha! Alison, you know what my silence here means, then. Yes, a giant task, and I hope I have successfully slayed it, we shall see. The book being chosen by a publisher is the acid test. And that after the party picture of my home, I was lying on the couch and the cushion colors struck me, the way they all really don't match, yet somehow I love that. I think I was in a post Prosecco glow.

  6. Those buttons on that gorgeous orange garment to the left of where I'm writing should be bursting right this second! Bursting with pride. Woman, you are more than amazing- you are the Doer of Impossible Deeds! And what a fantastic day to be your deadline- decks cleared for now- so that you could celebrate the sweetness of a life achievement. I know your kids appreciate how your love with their father has lasted and sustained them.
    And yes, your home is so very warm, so very welcoming to so many, not just in looks but in reality. It says, "This is where love lives."

    1. Darling Mary, believe it or not, I lean in to your belief in me to get the work done, you are always so sure I can do it, so when I am not at all sure, I try to channel your certainty, your faith in the process, so thank you for that, my friend. Hope that doesn't seem weird. You are my sister spirit in so many ways I sometimes think we are one soul having different earthly experiences. Well, I'm sure that does seem weird, but somehow I think you get it. Hugs.

  7. Congrats on completing your goal! You are Wonder Woman - entertaining family while taking care of business! I am so happy for you!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! I definitely feel a release of some pressure! Just in time to enjoy my son getting married—and more household guests to come!

  8. Bravo on getting the proposal done! I figured you were away on some book-related task. I'm always glad to read, after your worry about whether or not you can tackle a new project and be worthy of it, that you're succeeding. (And you DO succeed, over and over!)

    1. Steve, I so appreciate your faith in my ability to make it through to the other side! When my own faith is weak, I will lean on yours! Thank you, friend.

  9. Meeting your self-imposed accelerated deadline on a large project is very impressive. Your skill and true talent shines brightly.

    1. Susan, the deadline wasn't quite self imposed as I did have to get my subject a full draft with enough time for her to engage with it and make her changes. But I turn in the final in two days, and we're going to make the date, so woo hoo! Thanks for the kind words.

  10. Okay. Wow! Also, Holy Cow Woman! Well done, indeed.

  11. We've missed you as well. Of course you were working, we knew it. And of course you succeeded in your task. I am impressed that you did it with company. Myself, I have been missing a little as well. Trying to get this art piece finished which keeps evolving, trying to finish a book I'm reading, and tending to all the other chores.

    1. ellen, and you succeeded so beautifully in your task of art as well! thank you for being here, my fellow Taurean.
