Sunday, January 24, 2016

Today would have been her birthday

Your first birthday on the other side. I like to think you and Daddy are kicking your heels up together.  I didn't put this up on the day itself, because I missed you too much, even though I had the presence of mind to be grateful you were no longer in pain. But now, it seems like such a gap in the record, and so, belatedly, I'm posting this to mark the day your cherished being was born in this world. In another month, I will mark the day you left us, and were born to the next world. I imagine you happy and at peace there. 


  1. Yes. Happy, free, and at peace.
    What love.
    Anniversaries are so hard for those of us left behind, aren't they? Part of the whole deal of loving, I guess. A very painful part.

  2. It is so hard, these days. Sending you a hug.

  3. Thinking of you, and enjoying the beauty of your love.
