Thursday, October 22, 2020

A clear path

I got chosen. I got the job. So now I know my next project, which I will start in mid December. I’m a little bit in a daze. My mother always told me I need to have more faith. 

Also, today would have been my dad’s ninety-seventh birthday. My brother texted me: “Missing them both with love and tears.” An unexpectedly tender sentiment from my stoic, unbothered brother. We hit the jackpot, us two. We had such good parents, and we knew it even when it was still happening. 

Tonight’s debates. I couldn’t watch after a while. If Trump’s lips are moving he’s lying. As a piece in The Atlantic put it, our path is clear: “Two men are running for president. One is a terrible man. The other is a decent man. Vote for the decent man.”


  1. No doubt that you would get the job in December, there is no body better.I adore the family photo, Gorgeous folks , i feel the warmth and sincerity , the love , care and brilliance!. I want this for my family. Y'all are pretty shiny! Dear lord ,your Mom was a dish!!!

  2. Well done, you will do a great job with this project!

  3. Congratulations on the new work and on having won the best lottery of all...marvelous, loving parents. Beautiful family photo--filled with joy and love.

  4. Congratulations, although it's no surprise. You don't give yourself enough credit woman:)

    You have the same beautiful smile as your mother.

  5. Ah- you are a known entity and your talents are known and regarded highly. Obviously! Congratulations!
    Your family is utterly, utterly beautiful. Look at your mother! She could have been a movie star. And your little hands. Your precious little starfish hands.
    I watched most of the debate and the lies from the terrible man began immediately and flew thick snd fast. His mouth has become ugly with them. His eyes, ugly too with how he sees the world.

  6. Congratulations on the new job! Our parents live on in our hearts with so much love. Beautiful photo.

  7. of course you got the job! and you favor your mother.

    we never watch the debates, well, maybe five minutes worth just to check and make sure someone didn't slip in and replace Trump with a human. nope he still is who he is. he is incapable of telling the truth. his ego won't let him as he always has to be the best, so good no one's ever seen it before. if he wasn't so evil I might have some compassion for the little boy whose parents despised him. and yeah, if his lips are moving, he's lying.

  8. Congratulations on your new project! I love the family photo - your Mom has such a beautiful smile!

  9. So many decent people. That's for sure.

    So good to know you will soon be working on another essential book.

    Happy 97th Birthday to your father. Thank you for sharing the love that your family photos show so clearly.

  10. Kudos on the new project! Thrilled for you. And I see so much of your mother in you and your daughter.

  11. Woo hoo! How fantastic! Congrats on the job. You are making this freelancing thing WORK!

    I love that photo. And yes, that quote from the Atlantic pretty much says it all.

  12. Great news about your new job! Lovely photo of a happy family. You were blessed.

    Let's hope the decent man wins.

  13. Congratulations on the new job. It is my prayer, daily, that decency win. I don't know if our country can withstand another 4 years of this. I am confused by people who do NOT see our nation as standing on a precipice.

  14. Your body of work speaks volumes about you and your talent. I'm not surprised you were chosen, you're good! We did not watch the debates, I saw a couple of clips on twitter and that was all I could take. His voice gives me agita.

  15. You are so good at what you do, and yes, you are right about the clear path but don't be shocked if something other than what we want happens...I'll believe it when I see it...
