Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tiny catch up

My whole body ached. It hurt so much everywhere I couldn’t sleep so I rose and took painkillers. Now I’m sitting in after midnight darkness in the living room, waiting for the three little blue pills to take effect as I tap out this post on my phone. We were building furniture all day, my daughter, my two nieces and me, while the man made us hearty chicken and corn chowder and a delicious mango coconut bread. I was rather enjoying the flipped gender roles, though I don’t think anyone else noticed. There was a hard driving rain outside. Inside, the house felt active and happy. In the recently cleared out, newly painted, de-carpeted room, we assembled two bookshelves and a desk from those head-scratching Scandinavian instructions that are all pictures, no words, and then the man came in to help us build the bed. It was complicated, my daughter and nieces are champion builders, but there were some parts of the job that required strength of the sort my husband brought, and finesse won from long experience with the use of power tools. Between us we got the job done. Baby Harper, your room awaits. No pictures yet. We want to surprise Harper’s mom and dad with the reveal when they arrive from Dallas in four days. Instead here are pictures from when we had dinner with some of my husband’s relatives in New Jersey a couple Saturdays ago. In our cousins Bobby and Sophia’s beautiful home, among visiting relatives we’d so recently seen in Antigua, we cheered tennis phenom Coco Gauff to her incredible New York Open win. The woman in purple is my husband’s first cousin Barbara. I adore her. My children’s season of reconnecting with the Antiguan side of their family is continuing. 


  1. Thank you for reminding me that family can be a blessing.

  2. I have a strong feeling that our families would blend happily at first meeting.
    I'm glad that the Antigua connection is getting stronger.

  3. Sorry you ended up in pain from all of the furniture building! Hope you get relief and take it easy today. Lovely photos of your family - you all look so happy together!

  4. wait. what? baby Harper? I seem to remember you mentioning in passing that the bedroom was getting a red- but I thought it was yours. apparently I've missed something.

  5. Yikes! Well, I hope the aches and pains have passed. How great that your kids are still reuniting with their Caribbean roots.

  6. I love those chairs, just in passing. You all look so happy! Family is indeed a blessing and getting together is even more of one. Two of my husband's nieces visited us a short while ago and it was blissful, especially meeting the youngest great niece as an adult. And a wonderful one. I have the laughing obigatory photo to remember with. Oops. Just ended that sentence with a preposition. My mother would have growled at me.

  7. I'm looking forward to seeing the redone room as well as baby Harper. Assembling furniture is from the 1st circle of Hell. We did a big room divider/storage thing in Arizona, and the miracle was that it made it to Washington intact. Your family always looks like fun,

  8. I wish I had more family, and more of the moments you describe. It sounds wonderful.
