Friday, August 23, 2024

Another anniversary!

The man and I have been married for 38 years today, and last night we celebrated with our children and heart children at Chef Tom Colicchio's flagship eatery Craft. The sommelier, Cheron Cowan, was lovely, every wine pairing told a story, and the entire staff was warmly attentive, making sure our little family celebration felt special. Every dish on our custom menu was perfectly delicious, and at the end of the meal the chef de cuisine Andrew Whitcomb came out to our table to ask if we'd enjoyed the meal. Oh yes, we certainly had. After talking with us a bit and sharing details of Tom Colicchio's cooking life—who knew he was the first to bring to America the French method of braising short ribs to that impossibly tender and flavorful outcome?—he invited us for a kitchen tour. Then, when we were leaving the sommelier Cheron impulsively opened her arms to me and said, "May I hug you?" which was the sweetest gesture, because the thought in my head the moment before was I'd love to hug her, but maybe it's not appropriate. She was one of those people you meet and have the sense that you already know each other. The entire evening was delightful, and we especially loved hearing about the newly marrieds' honeymoon adventures. Oh my darling man, how I love this family we have created together, and all these bonus children who bring us such joy. I would do this walk with you again and again, my love, in a million lifetimes. 


Other updates: My new book contract came through yesterday and I signed it promptly so I am now officially on a new project. Meanwhile my husband is hard at work on a new scientific paper in which he and a colleague are identifying a newly discovered species of fish, and its distinctive characteristics. He had said to me recently, "I'd like to get my name on another scientific paper soon," and so he is.  As for our children, someone here remarked that they attend an inordinate number of weddings, and that is true! My son and his wife are off to England next week to attend the wedding of one of my son's mates, and the weekend after that they will back in the city, on their way to Connecticut for the wedding of yet another friend. Simultaneously, my daughter and her brand new husband leave for Mexico tonight to attend the wedding of two college friends, and when they get back they, too, will be heading north, to Ithaca, New York, for another college friend's wedding. My daughter and her love have already attended five weddings this year, and my son and his wife have attended a few as well. I think all this suggests that their generation is in their commitment era, and also that both my children have rather lovely circles of friends. May all these newlyweds share sublime love and laughter despite the many twists and turns and evolutions of marriage, that's my prayer for them all.


I did watch the Democratic National Convention this week, and thrilled to so many highlights—in particular the Obamas speeches, and Kamala Harris's adorable nieces teaching the audience how to correctly say their auntie's name, and the moment when Coach Tim Walz's state championship winning football team walked onto the stage with their dad bods clad in their long ago high school jerseys and big grins on their faces, every one of them happy to be there for their former coach. Those men looked to me as if some of them might have previously voted for Trump, but I have a feeling they may vote differently this time. But it was Tim Walz's authentic sharing of himself and his family and his values as he accepted the VP nomination—and the beautiful sight of his 17-year-old son with one hand clasped to his chest and the other pointing to the stage as he cried, "That's my dad!"—that completely undid me. I imagine that like so many who watched Tim Walz speak, I was beaming with joy and optimism, because that is what Tim Walz and his true-hearted family inspire. And then last night, I cheered as Kamala Harris prosecuted the case against Trump, and shared her own policies and values, in such a powerful presentation that I was simply in awe of how much I had previously underestimated her. I can't wait to vote for her and her running mate in November. Are they perfect candidates? Such creatures do not exist. Are they the best hope for the future of our country? Oh, absolutely.


  1. It looks like you guys had a fabulous anniversary celebration. Congratulations!

    Harris and Walz seem like the real deal and it feels good.

  2. Wow! I love that you all celebrated your anniversary in such style! And the hug at the end- oh, there can never be enough hugs from just-found instant friends. Perfection from beginning to end. And you are all beautiful as you celebrate the love that has resulted in all of this sweetness.
    Congratulations on the contract!

    1. Mary, we just decided to go for it, the man and I, to celebrate not just our anniversary, but also these children of ours who are out their making strides in their lives, with such faith. It was sweet, it was.

  3. Happy happy anniversary and may you have many more fine years together :)

    For the first time in years I am optimistic for a Democratic win and hopeful the US will push into a more equitable, just and kind future, the very opposite of what the other party now stands for. Kamala Harris looks completely at home at the helm of the Democratic party, and Tim Walz brings so much to the table too. These things mean something to Canadians as well as Americans. We see extreme right sentiments here, too, and I am dreading what our next federal election will bring. Based on history, the balance of power is about to shift to the right, but the leader of that party is not a person who I trust at all.

    Ah, but that is spoiling the whole mood, isn't it? :)

    1. jenny, this world we share, let's hold out hope for it, knowing how interconnected we all are. hugs, birthday twin.

    2. Well said; yes, let's do that. xx

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both. You do have a gorgeous family.

    Tim Walz is my Governor and I can tell you he is for real. He is a steady hand and a truly thoughtful person. I actually feel optimism.

    1. Sandra, I love hearing that about Tim Walz. The other side is trying with all their might to smear him, but he strikes me as the real true deal, a decent good man, so to hear that you feel that too is heartening.

  5. What a lovely dinner evening you all had! Congratulations also on the next contract.

  6. Happy Anniversary! What a memorable evening of celebration with all those gorgeous children and their loves. The restaurant sounds like a dream come true.
    Congrats on the book contract. And I agree, that there is a lot more to Kamala than I knew of, and she was Attorney General in California when I lived there.

    For the first time in years, I have real hope that we will rid ourselves of that monster.

  7. A lovely celebration of lasting love in the midst of love that, too, will last. Great news about your latest contract. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are prepared for whatever comes next. As Kamala said, "Fellow Americans, I love our country with all my heart. Everywhere I go—in everyone I meet—I see a nation ready to move forward. Ready for the next step, in the incredible journey that is America.

    1. am, i love that they are taking back the word patriot, too. I know it's still a close race (crazy that it should be given the other candidate) but yes, I now have some hope as well.

  8. awww happy anniversary! your family is as beautiful as ever!

  9. We're coming up on number 39 anniversary. When I used to collect china, I bought a luster ware plate with a 40 in the middle. At the time I wondered if we'd make 40, it just seemed so far away, but here we are. Beautiful group of people, and dinner sounds spectacular. Congratulations on the new book.

    1. Allison, 40 years soon! How fast it all goes. I can hardly believe we're almost there, too. Happy anniversary when it arrives!

  10. Happy Anniversary! You have much to celebrate! May all of you have many, many more happy years together!
    Congrats on the new book!
    I am hopeful with Harris/Walz!

  11. Happy Anniversary to you and your love. What a wonderful and loving celebration you had there. And... yes to Kamala and Tim... I can't wait to cast my vote! (NewRobin13)

  12. your evening sounds sublime. weird lighting in the restaurant though. I did not watch any of the DNC. in retrospect I wish I had watched several of the speeches. congrats on your new project.

    1. ellen, yes, the restaurant lighting was kind of weird, as an artist you saw that at once. But the rest of it was quite lovely.

  13. "Those men looked to me as if some of them might have previously voted for Trump, " Surprised to read that comment / assumption. Judging by appearance lives in all of us I guess.

    1. Anonymous, wish I knew your name. Touché, you called me out. I did make that assumption, and I can see why it might be no less galling to you than people making assumptions of me and mine is to me when those assumptions are based only on how we appear. You're right, of course, I don't know the hearts and minds of any of those men. And they were in that moment celebrating a man whose values I am learning to admire, so perhaps my assumption was doubly unfair. I'd go back and delete the sentence, but that feels a bit dodgy on my part, so I'll simply say, thank you for engaging with rather admirable restraint. I take your point.

  14. Anxious Canadian here watching the convention and hoping. A lot. I thought that Mrs Obama did as well as anyone possibly could, just in passing.
    What a class act she is - they both are.
    So glad to hear your new project is official and all is underway.
    You have a beautiful family.
    Would you believe we celebrated our 62nd anniversary in February. Crazy time to get married, but that summer was the one after university graduation and everyone was getting married so we, so to speak, jumped the gun.

    1. Mary, I still miss the Obamas. And 62 years! I think jumping the gun in January was an inspired choice--just get it done. How much easier we had it, the whole wedding planning thing, than kids do today. So much more fanfare than in our time. I feel for them, really. It is a hill to climb unless they decide to elope, and I can only imagine the relief they must feel once on the other side. Then again, they certainly hone their skills of compromise and task completion in the process. Congrats on 62 years. Couple goals!

  15. Happy anniversary! Sounds like a lovely experience and celebration. And I also completely underestimated the power of a change in Democratic candidate to get such a positive reaction! Here’s hoping both the momentum and the promise of a Harris campaign/presidency succeed. Olivia in the PNW

  16. Codex: Congrats on everything. I consider myself lucky to have experienced the exception of how the Obamas lead with a firm and gentle hand. Still can't believe that T. could be an option. The whole world is petrified. So let's hope people come to their senses.
