Monday, July 22, 2024


I've written so many posts in my head, but the world is swirling too fast for me to make the words settle down into coherent sentences. Whatever I write changes in the next minute, and we're all watching it happen in real time anyway, so I let it go, and never quite get around to exploring my thoughts here.

My daughter gets married this week. That beats bullets—or broken teleprompter glass—grazing the orange felon's ear at a campaign rally. Out on the street, I passed someone railing to his companion, "The fucker missed!" The fucker was dead a moment after he pulled the trigger, as sharp shooters on another roof had already trained their rifle sights on him. Beats me why they waited for the would-be assassin to get so many shots off. One rally goer, a firefighter, dead, his widow refusing to take Biden's condolence call, because her husband wouldn't have liked that. Never mind that their candidate went golfing the next day and didn't even bother to reach out.

My daughter gets married this week. That still beats Joe Biden putting the good of his country over his personal drive to do good, and dropping out of the presidential race due to the incursions of age. He endorsed Kamala Harris, and the entire Democratic bench is now lining up to support her. Though I was ridin' with Biden, a transformative president (despite, it must be said, his troubling fails in Gaza), and would have voted for him even if he was comatose (there was really no alternative), when he stepped down yesterday, I felt a jolt of excitement that the race is now completely new. The prosecutor running against the felon. VP Harris’s rollout speech today was electrifying. I’d say she’s pinned the fascist and is ready to prosecute this campaign.

But amid all this, my baby girl is getting married this week, and that’s where I’m fixing my gaze. Her dad is making her bouquet. She and her love are over there in Brooklyn working out seating charts and writing their vows. I can hardly wait to be in the room, incandescent with love, all of us watching these two souls pledge to go forth in this life together, and then I will exhale.


  1. Wonderful icing on the cake of Kamala taking the wheel. Daughter gets married and aren't they lovely! This has been a good week so far! Have a splendid time , Mother of the Bride!

  2. What an exciting week for you and your family. I know it will be a beautiful, touching ceremony with much happy celebrating! Congrats and best wishes to the lovely couple!
    I'm excited to have Kamala running and wish her much success!

  3. It's a privilege to be able to witness the love that your daughter and her beloved share and show so clearly when they are photographed together. Looking forward to the wedding photos.

    Grateful to have lived to see Kamala Harris step forward thanks to the difficult decision that Joe Biden made this past weekend. Grateful for his wisdom in choosing her to be his vice-president four years ago.

  4. I have never seen so much enthusiasm for a candidate, I think even more so than when Mr. Obama ran. They raised a LOT of money today, always a good sign. A wedding in the offing! How cool it that. They're a beautiful couple.

  5. I wish all of the love and goodness and patience and respect for your daughter and her sweetheart because these are the things they will need. It's going to be an amazing wedding. Life goes on, even when the world is topsy-turvy.

  6. Congratulations to the happy couple. Your daughter and her love are glowing...and as a mother that must give you great joy. KH is just the force the world needs now. I can't wait to see her in the White House.

  7. What a beautiful couple they are...can't wait to see the photos !

  8. Family first and all will be well - or at least bearable. All the very best to the couple!

  9. So wonderful to look forward to; I can hardly wait to see the pictures. I too am excited for Kamala; have been a supporter since her senate days. Am sad at how Joe was treated, though; so much of this was media/donor driven, I think. I am hoping everyone who bitched the loudest about him withdrawing will now be out the strongest for her; volunteering, donating $$, etc.

  10. yes to it all. I had been boycotting the news so pissed at their treatment of Joe, who yes, I would vote for even if comatose. but wasn't he masterful pulling a fast one on the republicans and the press, reinvigorating the democrats, executing hie meticulous plan with perfection. and now Trump is the oldest guy and he looks terrible and his cognitive decline getting worse and his VP pick could not have been worse, a totally inexperienced public servant who has accomplished nothing in his 18 months, and who wrote the introduction to project 2025 and want to undo all the rights we have fought for. Dark Brandon strikes again!

    now, what a wonderful event for you coming up, so full of love, joy, and happiness.

  11. Your daughter is getting married this week. That is the joy!

  12. God bless Mr Biden for doing the right thing. But, more important in our world, sending blessings and all the best wishes to your girl and to your family. In my daughter's man I gained a son whose only drawback, for me, is that he beats me at Wordle. I hope you also are gaining a heart's child and that your beautiful girl will always be content.

  13. Yes, fix your gaze on your daughter and all that love. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully there is time to fix your gaze elsewhere and perhaps perhaps perhaps a very different future for America and the world. Thank you thank you thank you Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

  14. I am so happy for your daughter and her love. The news will go on and on and on, but a wedding day is day that will bring a lifetime of joy. (NewRobin13)

  15. Big excitement! I can certainly see why your daughter's nuptials would eclipse all the political shenanigans of the moment. Immerse yourself in the joy!

  16. Congratulations on the up coming nuptials! So magical to watch your daughter take this giant step into adulthood. Leave the world behind for now, and relish the love that surrounds you. -Tara

  17. Codex: This whole world is sighing with relief and it's thanks to an 80 yr old patriot. Everyone in all corners is jubilant. She just has to win. Don't care about the policies at this point. And I know exactly how you feel. Too much all at once.

  18. Congratulations to the bride, the groom and all the families. May it be a blessed event. x0x0 N2

  19. A beautiful couple. I hope the day is magical for everyone.

  20. I am thankful that Biden did the right thing and stepped down.

    I hope everything goes well for your daughter's wedding and have a lovely time. You and your hubby did good raising your kids.

  21. When I heard Biden stepped down I also felt a glimmer of hope for Americans. Well, for all of us really. He is brave and honourable.
    I am wishing you the happiest day in 5 years! Such a cause for joy and celebration. Congratulations to both families.

  22. So wild that both of your beloved children are grown up and married! You and your husband have been incredible parents -- and those gorgeous couples reflect that.
