Tuesday, July 30, 2024

This beautiful thing happened

What an epic night it was! The bride and groom wrote vows that were loving and vulnerable and wise and funny, and we cried and laughed and felt so much joy and hope in their union. It will be a while before we get the official photos, so these are just snaps that different people took with their phone cameras. Perhaps my favorite picture from the night was taken by the owner of the 24-hour bodega across from our hotel in Brooklyn. Realizing they hadn’t eaten, the happy couple stopped in there in the wee hours after the hopping dance party that was their reception, thinking to get ramen noodles to tide them over till morning—they met in college after all. The deli owner took one look at them and realized they were tired and pleasantly sauced newlyweds, so he took their picture and gave them a discount. It was such a New York moment.


  1. A joyous celebration of love and commitment!

  2. I love these photos. Your daughter and her new husband look so happy and her dress is beautiful. But I especially love your outfit, you look fabulous and I love those shoes. Everybody can catch up on their sleep now. Take care sweetie.

  3. Fantastic photos. Your daughter is a very beautiful bride. Her dress is magnificent. Your outfit is lovely. You chose well. A perfect day. Sending love to the happy couple.

  4. Ah! What a beautiful post to read tonight!

  5. Oh how lovely! EVERYONE looks great. Well done, you. Olivia

  6. These are lovely! Everyone looks so incredibly happy. I love to see such joy.

  7. I just knew it would be fabulous and it looks like it was! Congrats and much love!

  8. I don't think it could have been more perfect. you all look lovely. so much happiness and joy on everyone's faces.

  9. And now it is done, a marriage begun with such beautiful pictures and memories of the wedding day. I wish them all the love and happiness in their lives together. You done real good, Mama.

  10. Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law and all the rest of you too. It looks like a wonderful, joyous event and yes, having the bodega owner take a picture is very much a New York moment!

  11. Congratulations to all, much happiness to the newly weds.

  12. Congratulations to the happy couple and all of you. Wishing them many, many years of growth and contentment together. x0x0 N2

  13. How wonderful! Love the pictures - thank you for sharing those! (And your outfit is PERFECT) Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law; may they have many, many happy years together :)

  14. Such lovely photos of your very beautiful daughter and her sweet husband on their wedding day. Congratulations to all! (NewRobin13)

  15. Such a beautiful couple, family, and celebration, making happy memories to enjoy forever. Congratulations!

  16. Such beautiful people -- looks like all are from central casting! I'm glad it was such a joyous event (how could it not be?). Those newly weds did what a lot of newly weds do - they forgot (or couldn't) eat! I'm the one at a wedding to force the couple to sit down and have food. They are always grateful! Many blessings to the happy couple. -Tara

  17. So wonderful!! Congratulations to the bride and groom and your families.

  18. Wishing the beautiful couple a lifetime of happiness and joy. So much radiance in your pictures!
