Thursday, August 15, 2024


"I don't get nearly enough credit in life for all the things I manage not to say."

I saw that meme on socials and it rang so true, especially in light of all the things I would like to write on the site formerly known as Twitter about one JD Vance—most recently in response to his apparent belief that the sole purpose of "post-menopausal females" is to take care of grandchildren, and women who, God forbid, pursue careers instead of becoming mothers, are selfish and not in service of the republic. Oh there is so much more. But I know I would only be shouting into the void, that my venting would make not an iota of difference to that Project 2025 avatar and power-addled, misogynistic fraud. Now my vote in November—that will count for something. I can't wait. 

This spoke to me, too. I've been missing spending time with one particular friend who is still very wary of Covid—with good reason, as the virus is once again mutating and marching. My friend mostly stays inside at her home, the way we all did in those two lost years, and she masks up faithfully when she goes out. And yet she came unmasked to my daughter's wedding, despite the event being held indoors. I knew it was an act of love, dared perhaps because she'd recovered from her first bout of Covid fairly recently. I'm just grateful that she and everyone else in attendance seems to have remained healthy since.

And this picture—I found it in the digital forest, aka the shared family album into which we dumped all the photos we took at the wedding. I'm intrigued by this moment because there's so much going on. My son was in a celebratory mood and didn't bother waiting till the reception to down some champagne while his cousin, the maid of honor, carefully blotted happy tears that threatened to ruin my daughter's make up—her dad had just presented her with the bridal bouquet he'd made—as my other niece held the flowers aloft. The mood was jubilant. And now I'm remembering how, at the end of the night, my daughter, flush with joy, threw her arms around me and merrily declared, "I'm married, Mama!"

One more, the honeymooners in Santorini, Greece, or maybe they were in Milos, where they went afterward. They'll be back home this weekend, with stories I'm sure. I read somewhere that the sharing of new experiences deepens the bonds of relationships. May they have many more adventures together, my beauties.


  1. O how I love that photo of your daughter and son-in-law in Greece. Their happiness touches my heart.

  2. Vance is another far-right puppet.
    I love that photo too, rich in story. The poem hints at our common human ache (the abandoned parts within...old fields of torment) where now, thanks to love, seeds sprout promising someday flowers.

  3. JDV and DT share the same thinking when it comes to women. How any woman can even consider voting for them is hard/impossible to imagine. The joy and love is beaming strongly in the photo of your daughter and son-in-law. Greece is a great destination and I'm sure they are enjoying themselves.

  4. Wow! What a great photo of them with Greece in the background! May they always be so happy!

  5. Sadie, Sadie/Married Lady...
    Remember that from Funny Girl?
    For some reason I always think of that when a woman gets married and has that amazed and joyous look about her. The same one I'm sure your daughter had.
    Oh gosh. The image makes me smile.
    I hate to talk about this in the same space as your light-filled daughter's wedding, but here's what I'm thinking- If I could have designed a VP choice for Harris, it would have been Walz, I think. And if I could have imagined the worst possible choice for the running mate of Trump, it would have been Vance.

  6. J D (Just Dumb) Vance is a disgusting throwback to when religious patriarchy ruled women's lives relegating them to little more than adult children. there was a time when the Church debated about whether or not women even had souls. how fragile some men are that they have to dominate women to feel good about themselves. fast forward to the present day and how wonderful the world is as represented by your wonderful family. and I love that picture, your son your daughter your nieces, so full of joy.

    1. Codex: Wonderful opening quote. Ellen, he's worse; it's back to women being incubators and I shudder to think what policies will come with that. You'd be surprised how many moderate Republicans don't want that pair either just for those reasons. The problem is; dumb people are dangerous.

      Congrats on the wedding.

  7. That candid photo is so full of intense feelings of all kinds - love it :)

  8. JD Vance sounds like a neanderthal. The photos are beautiful, I especially like the one with your son starting early:)

  9. Laughing at the story photo from the wedding. Sometimes those are the ones that resonate most down the years. As for Vance, yuck. You are, I believe, going to pass him and his buddy by in November. And elect a woman. Can't wait. Hoping. Wish I had a vote.
