Wednesday, August 21, 2024

World shaping

I woke up this morning with a heavy weight on my chest, and I couldn't figure out why. It's been a while since I've awoken in such a low mood, feeling sad and lost, with no good reason. Maybe I have too much time on my hands. I'm eager to get started on the next book, but the contract is taking a while, in part because most people in publishing vacate the city in August, and everything just about shuts down. 

On Instagram, I see posts by people from many different circles of my life, all of them in the mix with one another on Martha's Vineyard, where the cool folks meet up in Oak Bluffs, the preferred playground of almost everyone I know, it seems, come August. Even the Obamas are part of the scene, along with some people whose books I've written, and the editors who've published them. Many people are surprised that I've never been there. Our family never started that summer ritual when our kids were small, as we always decamped instead to the Caribbean. We had parents, grandparents, and other relatives to visit—and stay for free—in three different islands, Jamaica, Antigua, and St. Lucia, so Martha's Vineyard never elbowed its way onto the vacation roster. 

I'm not proud to admit that I secretly battle intense fomo as I browse social media, watching everyone live their best life on turquoise shores and gather in summer whites on the porches of cottage style homes. But that's not why I feel blue today. Maybe I just feel lonely. Everyone is off doing their lives, going to work, traveling abroad, resting in their country houses, and I am just here, marking time. I guess I'm trying to touch the sadness I'm feeling with this post, to write it out of me, to seek all my blessings on the other side. 

The man and I will be married 38 years this Friday. I've made a reservation to celebrate with our kids and their loves at a restaurant owned by a member of the Top Chef family. At the restaurant's invitation, my daughter and I pre-selected dishes from their menu to customize the experience—three appetizers, three entrees, two sides, and two desserts—which they will serve family style for our group of seven, and for which they will print a personalized "Happy 38th Anniversary" menu with our names at the top, a nice keepsake of the evening. 

All that to say, there's nothing I can point to that is truly amiss in my world, other than my internal weather just ebbing and flowing again, as it does sometimes. Perhaps I will take my Kindle outside and sit on a bench under a tree and read and breathe in nature till the heavy gray clouds dissipate a bit. 

Here's a lovely spot of brightness, our darling Harper, now fifteen months old, looking very demure, very mindful, very cutesy (it's a Tik Tok meme, however I'm told by my nieces that the moment you try to explain a meme, it's already passé, so I'll just say, if you know you know, and if you don't, it will be probably be over by the time you google it anyway, so don't bother). As my poet friend Rebecca said when she saw this photo, "A true world shaper, that one. It's in the eyes."


  1. I think it would be difficult living in a city where there is so much disparity, not just between the rich and the poor, but between the rich and the normal, middle class people. I came from a working class family, dad was a firefighter and then a bus driver. We didn't have a cabin at the lake or even fancy holidays. When we went on a family holiday, we visited family and stayed with them for free. So when I see people today with massive trailers, or lots at lakes, I wonder how do they afford that and would I like that? To be honest I don't know how I'd feel but I do feel left out sometimes.
    I hope you guys have a lovely family get together for your anniversary and that little girl looks like she won't take any guff from anyone. Good on her.

  2. Congratulations on your upcoming 38th anniversary!

    Harper's little light shines brightly!

    August blues. I've got them, too. Being gentle with myself, knowing they will pass as autumn arrives. Have not felt like doing any art work or walking. Sending love. Always looking forward to hearing about your book projects and reading the life stories of those who tell their story to you.

    Have been meaning to show you this link:

    Michelle Miller interviewing an Esselen tribal member in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to in my life, not far from where I grew up in Northern California. The land now belongs to the Esselen tribe again.

    And I want to recommend a book recommended by Robin Wall Kimmerer about a tribe that was landless and unrecognized until 2019:

    I've been reading Chris La Tray's Substack for several years now, during the time he was writing Becoming Little Shell.

  3. That little girl is too cute for words!! I'm sorry you are feeling lost and alone. Welcome to my world. I've been trying to reach out to other people in my life to counter it. I have enough people that I can call a different one each day of the week if need be. We talk and laugh and I always feel better. I hope you have people you feel that comfortable with, and a way to connect. Hugs, my friend xx

  4. Holy smokies, Harper is so cute it hurts me! And there is a lot of light behind her eyes, she's going to be a force of nature.

  5. Happy Anniversary! How the time has flown, right? You certainly have a lot to celebrate.
    I'm sure you are feeling the let down after all the events and excitement of the wedding. Soon your book will be out and your next book work will begin.
    Hope you can relax and pamper yourself during this down time. xxoo

  6. Sometimes I wonder if it's not just FOMO for a particular thing or season but a small grieving for the life we let go in order to travel the path we have. "I could have..."
    But here we are and all-in-all we are most lucky- how many people do we know who's marriages have lasted 38 years with love intact? Who have families with whom we can have the most fun doing the simplest things?
    But we're human. We can hold two thoughts at the same time. Yes, we are the luckiest. But what if, what if?
    Rebecca is entirely right about Harper. She is already a woman. A woman baby, biding her time until it is her time to change this world in whatever way she will surely do that.

  7. It's hard to compete with the world of those who seem to have what we are missing, even if they don't really have it. Social media only shows us the shiny layers on top. And sometimes we are so blinded by these that we think it's what we want. Maybe it's my age but I often remind myself that I indeed have had it all but that my "all" was mine and mine alone. The effort we put into appearances and whatever ritual, meme, is deemed right on at any given time is just a distraction, a con-job. You have it all, dear clever woman, you have it all. You can lean back and tell yourself so.
    Congratulations on 38 years!!!

  8. The season is changing, Summer to Fall and I love the cool weather. Change is in the air.
    Taking stock is a real mix of emotions. We all do it. In your situation, I definitely see positives: wonderful family, adult children happily married and living great lives, baby Harper to delight everyone and a 38th year anniversary celebration.
    Martha's Vineyard is nice but in all honesty I'd rather be on the islands. Just saying. Go to the Vineyard once and you've seen it all. Maybe you should go just once for a day?

  9. Pixie said what I was thinking, Harper sure doesn't look like she would take guff from anyone! I also agree that you are probably feeling after the wedding blues. Congratulations on 38 years of marriage.

  10. Mary and Sabine have said it all. when I feel that way I have to remind myself that to have had what I don't have I would not have what I do self made career as an artist, my kids and grandkids, and more. are summers in Martha's Vineyard worth giving up the close family relationships you have now? because I think that is the trade off.

  11. This is the first summer in a long time that I have not felt the ennui you describe ... my girl is home and popping in and out as she puts her home back together. And spends two weeks on Baffin Island. Not exactly a summery lounging spot. The youngest grandkid and her papa went to Barbados, though, and sent back snorkelling shots that had me almost envious.
