Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did I hear that right?

So Santorum thinks the idea that college should be an option for everyone is snobbery?

So Santorum thinks college is liberal indoctrination and nothing more?

I can't even.


  1. And it's not that surprising that a person would HAVE that attitude- let's face it- the world is filled with ignorant assholes. The surprising thing is that this guy is truly and really a candidate (a serious candidate) for president of the United States of America.

  2. One of the options for "You might also like:" is "Parallel Universe". I think he is living in one.

  3. I'm not sure I've heard Rick Santorum say anything that isn't bizarre and offensive.

  4. Are you talking about my hometown boy again? Have at it!

  5. the fact that santorum has anyone who believing he's presidential material totally blows my mind - not to mention down right frightening.


    i can't even too!

  6. I can't even imagine either. Keep them honest down there, I hope the right thing happens. Sheesh.

  7. How about the one where he says Kennedy's inaugural speech made him sick to his stomach??? I am embarrassed to say he went to school near here.

  8. When was it that we stopped wanting our best and brightest to run for president?

    Well, perhaps I shouldn't say "we", but my continued disappointment in what "we" as a people of this nation have become sucks all the hope from me.

  9. You must watch John Stewart's skewering of Santorum -- it was on a couple of nights ago and includes the education comment, as well as the Kennedy comment and a couple of beauties by Romney, too.

    All you can do (after the blood boil) is laugh. Or go freaking insane.

  10. I wonder why the Rickster forgot to mention that he himself has a college degree?? I'm soooo praying he will get the nomination.... it will be such good sport to see him ground to mincemeat.
