Sunday, August 9, 2015


These were some of the photos of the Cook & Dine event last night, posted on social media. The director of Aurora Behavioral Health, a therapeutic yoga-based program for the treatment of eating disorders, texted me at the end of the evening: "Your beautiful daughter pulled off another amazing event for us! You should be so proud. We love her and are never giving her up!" She is the older sister of one of my daughter's lifelong friends, which is how she knew to tap my girl for this mindful eating project. She gave permission for me to repost these photos.

I am so proud. My girl is really enjoying herself and the clients she's leading through the preparing of nourishing and delicious meals with wholesome, satisfying ingredients. She's thinking now that she loved working with old people last summer, and now this, another therapeutic setting, and maybe she's supposed to be involved with food in a healing way. Who knows where all this will lead her? Best of all, she's learning as she teaches, and isn't that always the best way to learn? It's like the old koan: Whatever you need, give that. I'm learning, too.


  1. Whatever path she follows will be lit from her presence upon it.

  2. She's so wonderful, of course you're proud! And of course, we're all learning...

  3. Your daughter is an old soul isn't she? Wise beyond her years.

  4. Working with food in a healing way. I love that.

  5. What a great opportunity for your daughter! It wonderful that she is enjoying this!

  6. So healing. So amazing. What a wonderful venture. Your girl will infuse it with her light.

  7. Between you and Denise tonight, I am being replenished and filled up. Balm to the soul. Your daughter is so beautiful.

  8. I can see why you're so proud. That is an amazingly beautiful thing to do. And I'm going to meditate on that koan. I needed to hear that one today.

  9. Such an important thing to do...lovely photos.

  10. So GRAND! She's obviously on the right path. All that light that shines from within her cannot help but heal what ails those she shines it on. Blessings.

  11. Such an inspiring career ahead of her!

  12. I love this one million times over.

  13. Thank you all for your support of my lovely, wise old soul of a daughter. I am grateful every day to be her mother. And I so appreciate each and every one of you here. Love.
