Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lemon cake

Our lovely baker asked to make her own birthday cake and it was delicious. Her expression as we sang to her and she waited to blow out the candles, was the same as when she was little and contemplating the wonders of cake for the first time. This year, there were 24 candles. "Old enough to be a fire hazard," her cousin said.

I have been sick and am now much better. Thank you all for your well wishes. The most painful part was the burning sore throat, perhaps the worst I can remember. But maybe I just don't remember, because already the memory of my three days of misery is fading. I'm worried that my man might have caught my flu, though, which isn't good given his recent heart surgery. He needs to be careful of infections of any sort. This doesn't work well with his just-power-through personality. He went in to work today. I hope he's okay.

Easter was lovely. Our daughter and niece and their loves came over for dinner. We ate stuffed cornish hens and potatoes au gratin prepared by my husband. Our girl made a key lime pie for dessert, and come evening we gathered round to watch the John Legend production of Jesus Christ Superstar. My cousins were texting me from all over the country to make sure I was watching. They all remembered me listening to this Tim Rice-Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera on repeat when I was a teenager. Indeed, despite the hoarseness of my voice, I could sing every word. 

Now, to work. 


  1. Would love to see the cake more intricately! Hope you get fully recovered and a Happy Year to your DD!

  2. Lemon cake and your daughter- heaven right here on earth.
    Glad you're feeling better, dear friend. Illness sucks and I hope your husband doesn't get it!

  3. I'm glad you're on the mend! Hope your husband stays healthy.

    Belated birthday wishes to your beautiful daughter. What a lovely picture!

    I still get strands of Jesus Christ Superstar on a loop in my head at times.

  4. So good to know that you are feeling better. Such a loving image of your daughter.

  5. So glad to know you are feeling better. Hope your husband stays good and healthy. A truly beautiful photo of your daughter on her day. As always, so much love.

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better. Key love pie! I love key lime pie and that's twice I've heard it mentioned in the past 24hours. It's a sign I should make it I'm thinking.

  7. This entire post makes me warm. I have yet to see JCSS I do hope they play it again. I too know and love all of those songs. I am so thankful for these lucky rare glimpses into your magic.

  8. I'm glad you're better! And wish I had a piece of that cake.
