Thursday, June 6, 2019

Little blue planet

Tut's Notes from the Universe are delivered daily to my inbox. Some of you know Tut. I've quoted his unironically optimistic messages here before.  This morning, he shared this idea of our earthly school:

"It's as if a band of amazing angels got together before time even began, to celebrate their common heritage, sense of adventure, creativity and savoir faire, and decided to meet in the distant future within the jungles of time and space, upon a distant little blue planet, to see how long it would take for each and every one of them to discover who they really are. A band of 7 billion angels, to be precise, which is not a lot by angel standards."

Substitute the word souls for angels and this just might be my theology, or at least some part of it, even if it does seem right now that collectively, we souls might be moving backwards.


My son just called. He's getting off from a 24 hour shift at the firehouse and is coming over to hang here as he's supposed to meet up with a friend in the city tonight. I know he will turn on the TV and promptly fall asleep on the couch, and it will feel peaceful and good to see him there, and I will walk by from time to time and kiss his head. 


  1. earth school. I read something a while back about why our little planet has so many people, that it's a popular place right now for working out our karma.

    1. ellen, seems a lot of people are creating a lot of negative karma right now, but what do i know. this is a challenging time on planet earth, that's for sure.

  2. My theology is more along the lines of "we are like ants over-colonizing our fragile planet and we will regret it". If we were angels, wouldn't we already know who we really are?

    On the other hand, our loved ones can feel like angels to us, so who knows?

    1. jenny, i dont take angels literally really. i think it just means souls, and we souls are born forgetting who we are, the theory goes, otherwise the discovery of who we really are wouldnt be any fun. but really, i think you're on to something when you say our loved ones are our true angels. it feels that way to me too.

  3. Well, I'm not one for angel souls except for the ones I know personally and those I believe in with all of my heart.
    Sometimes I wish I weren't so pragmatic though.
    Kiss that angel soul boy's head a lot this afternoon. I know you will.

    1. mary, the angel souls you know personally and believe in with all your heart are the truest, arent they? And yes, i kissed my boy's head many times this afternoon.

  4. I like this perspective.

    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    1. Lily, i've always loved that perspective too.

  5. It's lovely your boy wants to come by, and is so comfortable there that he can just plop down on the couch and go to sleep. And sleep thru being kissed on the head!

    1. Sally, it is a wonderful thing, i agree. I love when he does it. I sat at the dining table as he slept and just kept working, deeply content at the sight of him a few feet away sleeping.

  6. How lovely that your son came home to hang out. Ah home, the place of the heart.

    1. robin, he slept and then he woke up and chatted and then he went out to the movies and then passed by after to see his dad, who'd been at work earlier. he made my day.

  7. I wish I could feel like we were all angels.

    1. Steve, i dont know if i think we are all angels. I believe more that we are all souls, and i guess it's a bit like that weird HBO series Westworld, some of us just want to have an entirely morality free experience, see exhibit A, the current american president.
