Monday, October 10, 2022

Ways of being in this life

My friend Leslie took that picture. I love the color pink, the hints of orange, and the way she saw in this simple and elegant table arrangement something akin to the flounce of a dancer's skirt. Her eye sees the world in all its glory. That's just who she is.

I am sitting a my dining table editing the cover story for the next issue of the magazine, and on the TV behind me are commentators wringing their hands in a kind of disbelief at the naked and unfiltered racism and cynicism of the Republican Party. It's not a Trump story anymore, they argue. Rather it's a story about one party turning its back on the precepts of democracy, of decency, and fanning the flames of racial animus to stir up the unthinking and manipulated masses so as to preserve (they hope, and they may be right) their own grip on power. Power for its own sake. These so called public servants have no interest in governance, no interest or frankly even respect for the people who they have turned into their willing pawns. It is sickening to me, and it's not even that no one is calling them out. But the cries that the nation's house is on fire are falling on deaf or apathetic ears. They don't understand that when the roof caves in, it will crush us all. We are watching the twilight of an idea, the proclamation that we are all created equal, and that we are part of a system of government by and for the people. What a joke. I felt ridiculous even writing it down. I fear we are trundling down the track, disaster looming, and no one who can actually alter the trajectory has any interest in flipping the crucial switch. I don't even know why I bother to listen to the news.

But there are people in the world like my friend Leslie, who can capture and share what is beautiful in our midst. I don't know if there are enough such souls to save us in the end. I suppose we will see.


  1. You have expressed what I am feeling as well. I don't even watch the news, but my newspaper subscriptions online keep me informed of the looming disaster that awaits us. I am surprised that we have fallen this far so quickly. These are such scary times, and the coming midterm elections have more meaning and consequence than I can possibly imagine.

  2. Truth. Remember the culture wars? Is this that? Or have we just become so dumbed down as a nation that a large segment of the population is happy to go along with such fantasies and blatant untruths? Or is it beaten down? I absolutely do not know but I am frightened as hell.
    Meanwhile- yes- find the beauty. Find the good. Celebrate and support and share those. I really do not know what else to do.

  3. I vacillate between despair and hope. All women need to vote to turn these heinous people out of office, young people must turn out en masse. Winning the house and senate would allow fair voting laws to be put in place, reforming the electoral college, possibly stacking the Supreme Court, and codifying Roe. If not, we're toast. Too many republican men are saying out loud that it's up to men to determine what's best for women. I just can't.

  4. You can always put into words what I am thinking, and so eloquently. I am horrified at what passes for thinking by so many people today. What in the world has happened? It's not just in the U.S. In Canada we have one major political party that is headed the way of the Republicans in the country to our south. And yet, one can only be horrified for so long before one is numb to it all. The only thing that really keeps me going are the small moments you describe, and the goodness of people who do give a thought and a damn.

  5. I imagine that being true and loving the truth is the only thing. And that we won't necessarily "win," but everything is in the truth, anyway. Does that make sense?

  6. Look for the good, look for the helpers as Mr. Rogers used to say. They are still around us and still out there. We just hear about the awful ones more often but I don't believe there are more of the awful...

  7. It's horrible now. If I've learned anything though over my lifetime, it's that things change, for the better and for the worse. I no longer believe that this is how it will always be and it gives me hope.

  8. You said it so well. If the Republicans take even one house of Congress it will be bad enough, no more progress will be made. If they take both, this country will cease to exist as I have known it. I can't stomach the ridiculous lies they keep coming up with. Like you said, they care nothing for governing except undoing everything Biden has done for the people, they care only for the power to impose their hateful agenda on everyone.

  9. You are rich in friends and loved ones whatever the rest of world does...

  10. Well said as usual. It's so very frightening. People feel entitled to be mean and violent and call themselves patriots. It's demeaned the word.

  11. Both sides are a mess.

  12. Our country has been founded on racisim and continues to breed it at it's worst. Our politicians are greedy, racist liars. Trump brought out the worst of the worst and poeple are still following the lies. How does a political system correct itself and do a clean sweep? I do wonder if WW III is around the corner.
