Sunday, January 8, 2023

Six, The Musical

Another fantastic evening with my fave theater buddy. We did our usual pre-show dinner and margaritas at Seamore’s, then saw "Six," a rock performance about the six wives of Henry VIll reclaiming their stories from the patriarchy. This was my girl’s Christmas gift to me, and we loved the show! The audience was on its feet, dancing at our seats. As we were leaving, my girl said, “Wait, we still have to take our theater selfie!” And so we did. These Broadway nights in January are the best mother-daughter holiday tradition ever. 



  1. Oh, my goodness. So much fun for you both! That is a couple of lovelies in the selfie.

  2. There is nothing not to love about all of this.

  3. What a lovely evening out together for you and your daughter.

  4. serious theatre envy here. I would love, love to see that. We have local theatre, but the closest 'professional' venue is Ottawa and it is not on the radar of the really good musicals. Sigh.

  5. Those are the best gifts, where you do stuff together.
