Friday, December 8, 2023

Winter light

We had another book team meeting yesterday morning, and I was greatly relieved afterward, as we collectively clarified those editorial notes that were giving me agita. I feel more able to move forward now, and accomplish the next draft of the thing. This stage is the second hardest of the entire book writing endeavor, the first being getting down a complete first draft to begin with. On we go.

I feel a bit fragile lately, possibly it's the seasonal blues, making me feel vulnerable, solitary, imagination running amok, sensitivities naked to the barest breath. The sky outside reflects my mood. Strictly speaking, nothing is desperately wrong in my little corner, not really, not when compared. Life is just life, and none of us makes it through this earth school unscathed by its lessons. Nothing to do but study hard and seek the light. A blessed Hanukkah and soon-to-be Christmas and Kwanzaa to those who celebrate.


  1. Probably just filtering the horror of humans murdering one another, Gaza , genocide right before our very eyes. Everyone who has a heart is depressed, I do believe.

    That photo is a stunner! Gorgeous!

    1. Hello Anon, I wish I knew your name. Thank you for commenting. I do believe you are right. It is a devastating time to be alive.

    2. Oh sorry -it’s Linda sue here with my m I iPad, inadequate for many reasons.

  2. I think it's always a devastating time to be alive. We just haven't always known so graphacially what was going on. That is a beautiful photograph.

  3. The photo speaks volumes as do the comments. Just grab whatever joy you can with those you love. The greater world can be too much.

  4. I was angry as hell the other day. I hate injustice and I have an imagination that is far too imaginative. I find rage cleaning very comforting. I can't fix the world but I can clean up my basement and I guess for my brain, that's enough right now.
    Sending hugs and love.

  5. I just keep saying it- it's hard to be a human. And although some things seem to get a little easier we age, most things do not. I think they get harder. And now you're on this hardest stretch of your book, too. Give yourself some of the grace you so generously offer to others. You are loved.

  6. maybe a bit of seasonal disorder, lack of sunlight? glad to hear things have been clarified re the book.

    humans can be horrid creatures.

  7. Congrats on moving ahead with the book project. This is a tough time of year in so many ways, but enjoy the fact that you've made progress and your daughter sends you wonderful texts (as you showed in your last post). :)

  8. That room with a view! The leaves! Goodness all around as well as scary stuff --
