Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Freshman year is over!

Is it possible that her first year of college is finished already? Didn't we just drive her up to school and move her in? In fact, wasn't she just opening envelopes from colleges and figuring out where she would go? Sometimes when I am missing her I ask her to snap a selfie with her phone and text it to me. She will often sweetly comply. She is probably the only person in the whole world of whom I could ask such a thing. She's on her way home today with two stuffed suitcases in tow. She'll drive back up with the rest of us this weekend for her brother's graduation, at which point we will also pack up the rest of her things and move her home for the summer. I cannot wait to watch So You Think You Can Dance with her tonight! Excited!


  1. It really does not seem possible. And another thing which doesn't seem possible? She grows ever more lovely.

  2. In a Blink. It all happens in a blink. I know you will savor the summer and So You Think You Can Dance. It's those simple things that are sweetest.
    love to you all, Dear Angella.

  3. Sounds like the perfect evening. I'm thrilled for you that she'll be home soon. xoxo

  4. Oh my she is so lovely, and time is flying, swiftly. So glad you get to cuddle on the couch tonight, makes me happy to think of it. Enjoy!

  5. How wonderful to have your sweet girl home for the summer. I can see the two of you on the couch together. It's a warm and happy image.

  6. Well that flew by!!! Here's to a lovely summer for you all! xoxoxoo

  7. Congrats, little girl! (and by little girl I mean incredibly wonderful young woman.)
