Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My lovelies

That was the man last Sunday, just back from church and full of mischief. And that was the girl a year ago, at what was her third birthday party in as many days. She was turning 21 after all. Her birthday is coming up again in six days. Her friends at college already had a surprise early birthday party for her last weekend. The surprise was ruined by an unwitting text, but great fun was had anyway. And that's my boy, heading out to his track coaching gig, proper hydration in hand. These are my lovelies, the ones who, no matter what else is happening in the world, make my everyday sublime.


  1. You bring lovely tears to my eyes as I dream of making it to my son's 21st birthday or loving my man the many (or not as many as I think) years to his grey haired days and still appreciating his mischievousness.

    I am glad you appreciate them. I am glad you expressed this. I am glad to be reminded of what I'm fighting for even as it wets my face.

    Thank you! And pre-happy birthday to the one lovely ;)

    1. Dearest Hannah, it is worth it, it is so worth it. I promise. Much love.

  2. Yes, m'am! That is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And they are indeed lovely.
    As is the mama.

  3. Yes. Mayhem over here. Same thing keeping me sane. Ish.

  4. I see you treasure your lovelies. Our lovelies are precious for sure.
