Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Our little guy Munch died last night. He had been ailing ever since an emergency surgery he had in February. He never really recovered. He was scheduled for an MRI today, but didn't make it to morning. My daughter and her love are lost. I have no good words, just tears. I can't seem to stop their flow. My friend Debbie said, Sometimes, the dog decides. I have a Zoom call this afternoon for a possible new book project and I can't seem to pull myself together. I know it's because I'm hurting for my daughter and her love. Almost like there's no separation. I read that some of a child's cells remain inside the mother after the infant is born. They literally live inside you for a lifetime. Those cells are weeping. Debbie just texted me again. It’s deeply sad. I know. Go on the call and focus. Munch insists! He was only four. His time was too short.


  1. I'm so sorry Rosemarie. Four years is not long enough. Dogs give so much love that they live a big hole when they die.

  2. Sending love to you and all of Munch's heartbroken beloveds. Our animal friends are dear to us. Never to be forgotten. They love us unconditionally.

  3. Our children are always and forever part of us. And when they mourn, we mourn. But we have to remember that just as we had to learn what grief is, so do they. Tender and loving words can help but they cannot take the pain away, as much as we wish they could.
    Debby is wise- you can do this call. You are strong.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry! I love how your daughter is thinking of you and encouraging you to go ahead with your call. Munch DOES insist.

  5. Oh my! Munch , so young!! I remember the thrill of your daughter getting little Munch- dogs make life so much better- when they die it is devastating, utterly. I am so sad to hear this news.

  6. RIP Munch. It is a heartbreaking loss when a much beloved pet crosses the rainbow bridge. Only 4 years old is much to young to say goodbye. My thoughts are with you.

  7. I am so saddened to read this. I loved that dog, he had presence. He did not have enough time. Sympathy to you and his people.

  8. "Never give your heart to a dog to tear." But we do. You will straighten up and go on because you must, but it is hard. Very hard. We will keep you in our thoughts, many of us who read you, I am sure.

  9. I am so very sorry. He was a darling boy. Hugs to all of you.

  10. So sad...I am crying with you. I know what it feels like . I have only lost one dog, my first, 11 years ago, but it still hurts. My present boy is 11 next week and I can't even think about life without him.

  11. Sweet Munch. He was loved, and I'm sure he knew it. He had the happiest little face, and in time memories of that goofy smile of his will be a comfort.

    1. Vivian, thank you for painting his beautiful portrait. We will always have that. I hope you are well.

  12. well, that's sad news. bad enough when an old friend dies, but one so young is even tougher.

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Munch looks like he was a true sweetheart. (NewRobin13)

  14. Pets impact our lives and well-being so deeply. So sorry to hear this news.
