Monday, June 3, 2024

Lifers at the farm

One of their group, second from right, is getting married three weeks before my daughter, and she decided to do her bachelorette getaway at the farm where she and her K-8 classmates spent weeks and summers together as children. The farm staff posted this pic on their social media, reminiscing about when they first met these five beautiful young women as second graders on their first farm trip. I heard they all had a great weekend revisiting their old haunts. I just wanted to post the picture of these friends who started out together as four year olds and, despite navigating rapids along with the way—how I remember the fifth grade girl wars, when their wonderful teacher would send them out of class to solve the drama during long, deeply emotional huddles on the school fire escape! They have all grown into five very distinct adult personalities ("We've all just become our mothers," my daughter laughs), with a teacher, a psychotherapist, a food techie, an art curator, and a digital content producer among them, but they still cherish the sisterhood, practice friend therapy with one another, and make it work. 



  1. That's so sweet, Rosemarie! "All you need is love..."

  2. how awesome that these young women have remained close friends since they were four. I can't even imagine what that's like. so completely opposite of my own experience.

  3. That is such a wonderful photo. Still sweet friends after all these years. (NewRobin13)

  4. I have a photo like that of my childhood group and another taken at a get-together when we were all in our mid seventies. I hope your daughter's besties can beat that record.

  5. We moved a lot. I can't remember anyone from childhood. It is quite an achievement to maintain friendship groups that long.

  6. A joy to see a group of early childhood friends who became and remain close to each other. So clearly at ease with each other.

  7. The joys of lasting and true friendship is rare. This group of 5 are very lucky women to have each other.

  8. I love this -- there's not much better than long female friendship.
