Friday, June 7, 2024

A breath at a time

I did the video call with my potential new book subject on Wednesday afternoon. I loved her at once. She seemed kind, and humble, despite having reached the stratosphere and making history in her chosen endeavor. Now she has a new mission, born when she and the baby she was carrying almost died. Yesterday she chose me to be her collaborator. 

So now I know what my next project will be, though the details are yet to be worked out, and we won’t get started in earnest till the fall. I feel smiled on by fortune, even though my heart is shredded for those I love who are grieving such a cruel loss. 

“This innocent little being entrusted to our care and we didn't save him," my daughter said last night. Her dad and me, and her brother and sister in law, sat with her and her soon to be betrothed around a table on their roof, eating take out. One of their friends came by and dropped off cupcakes. Another brought a home-cooked casserole.  

The bridal shower is in a week. I asked my daughter if she wanted to cancel it. "No," she said. "Life keeps on." She and her love are so very sad, but they are taking care of each other, too. This being human is holding two contradictory truths at once, and allowing them both to breathe. No way out but through.


Photo by Danielle Lee


  1. Congratulations. You and your family surely need some good news.

  2. You are so right: No way out but through. Time will lessen the sadness but for now it is very hard. Sweet boy Munch will live on in everyone's heart and mind. Your new project will keep you very busy and that is probably helpful during this difficult time. i'm thinking of you.

  3. "This being human is holding two contradictory truths at once, and allowing them both to breathe. No way out but through."

    In the midst of such sorrow, good news for your writing life.

  4. Well, first of all- huge congratulations on the next project!
    I really am so sorry that your sweet girl has this sorrow in her heart, just as she is about to have what should be one of the most joyous days of her life. I wish I was one of those people who could say, "Munch will always be here in spirit," but we don't know. We do know that because he was loved, because there are such sweet, deep memories of him, he will always be a part of your daughter's heart because he nestled there.

  5. I'm guessing the poor little guy could not be saved, but we still want to. I've given up on trying to save people and just listen to them as they go about their lives, all the while dying. It sounds awful and it is sometimes.

    I'm so happy that you have a new book in the works, one that you're excited about and one that gives you the summer off. Enjoy.

  6. It is good that your daughter wants to keep moving forward. Nothing will bring her sweet Munch back but she can take comfort in sharing happy moments and knowing they did all they could. They gave their dog a wonderful life full of love.
    Congrats to you on your new project.

  7. Congratulations on your new project. I am looking forward to reading future posts as it unfolds.
    The very sad thing about our dearly loved furry companions is that their lives are so much shorter than ours. I am glad that your daughter will keep on with her plans. This is how we heal with love. (NewRobin13)

  8. of course your new project chose you. I had no doubt. it's hard getting over a sudden or even expected death of an animal companion.
