Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Just life

We had heat waves, lightening storms, and flash floods this past week in the city, extreme weather that I've mostly watched from inside my house. I walk in my garden sometimes, and sit on a bench and turn my face to the sun, but it's been a slow week, blessedly so, as my left leg is wonkier and more achy than usual, and my right foot has developed some kind of pain along the arch. I am a crooked sight as I walk, rocking side to side, and I must be getting wiser because for once, I don't even care.

My son-in-law-to-be went to Tulum, Mexico, with ten other guys including my son, for his bachelor fling this past weekend. I worried about my girl being alone in their apartment while he was gone, for the first time without the frisky energy of Munch. I was ready to go and spend the nights with her, but she and her cousin Leah flew to Dallas instead, to hang out with my niece Leisa and the delightful Harper while Harper's dad was off partying with the boys. I heard the guys had a great time and didn't get up to too much mischief, while my daughter and nieces enjoyed the company of Miss Harper. They sent me pictures and videos of them sun hat shopping, eating out at restaurants together, Harper in tow, and my girl in the pool with Harper for her swimming lessons. Though there's still something sad in her eyes, my daughter looked happy and fully in the moment—who can be anything but with Harper in the house? Babies are healing souls.

Harper was bushed after a day of liming with her mom and her two auntie besties. Looks like she fell asleep in the middle of trying to remove her shoes.




  1. It is so hard for me to envision Tulum as a party vacation destination. When I went there so many years ago, it was only the amazing ruins, the unbelievably beautiful water, and a primitive restaurant or two with a few vendors selling Mayan artifact replicas to the tourists. I felt it was a place of deep power.
    Babies are healing. They see every moment as a completely new experience and live all of those moments to the fullest. Perhaps this is why they need so much sleep. That little angel. I would nibble her toes if I could. I'm glad your daughter had a get-away too.

  2. How complete and perfect is your Harper. Miracle of gorgeous skin holding in and protecting all of those perfect miniature organs , everything working as it should. And how she is loved!!! I love her, too!
    Your leg thing- PT might be beneficial? Not that you haven't thought of everything already...You may be right- covid damage! covid is a mean SOB!

  3. The heat and flooding in NYC has been on our news. We got the horrendous heat but no flood.
    While the boys had their party, the girls did too. Perfect solution.

  4. My grandgirl Autumn and two friends just returned from a few days in Tulum, the last of several destinations on their trip. When my husband went to Tulum we had to get a bus at Playa del Carmen. I guess things have changed since then. babies are healing. they are so fresh and pure.

  5. So much going on all at once. It's shocking to see that flooding. And then there's the joy of knowing of Harper's presence in the world. Sending love to you and your beloveds.

  6. Have you seen a physiotherapist about your leg and foot? They might be able to help. I'm glad your daughter got to visit with family and friends. That little girl is so damned sweet.

  7. Ouch. But you can walk. Love the sleeping beauty.

  8. Sweet little Harper, she warms my soul.

  9. What a precious little girl! It is the barometric pressure causing your achiness, this from my former DPT who looked it up when a patient complained. The heat has been horrendous.
