Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Love in bloom

Our daughter's bridal shower was last Saturday. It was a joy to see the different sides of the bride and groom's families, and their various friend groups cheerfully mixing and getting to know one another. And baby Harper was the hit of the party, padding around laughing and pointing like a little tipsy person in her fire engine red sandals, thoroughly entertaining and entertained. 

My lovely daughter in law was my partner in pulling off this endeavor, and she was absolutely the MVP—making the signs, coming up with games, and getting the game cards printed at Staples from a template she found on Etsy and customized. She also created a beautiful floral ring for a photo backdrop; she worked out the design in her living room, then she and my son carefully dissembled it and transported it to the venue. Meanwhile my nieces and son helped hang photo garlands and laid out a fabulous charcuterie grazing table while my girl’s in laws to be brought deviled eggs, a yummy pasta salad, and the cake from upstate. Suffice it to say, a lot of folks contributed. 

We did the shower in rooms next to the roof deck of the apartment building where my daughter and her fiancĂ© live. The theme of the event was “Love is in Bloom,” and we had buckets of flowers and greenery as well as an array of antique style bud vases that guests could use to make their own DIY bouquets to take home. I loved seeing everyone selecting their blooms and happily making their floral arrangements. It was the perfect bridal shower activity, and the buckets of flowers were festive!

I'm wrangling low level anxiety today, the sort that is a tangle of worries, none of them perfectly clear, just a looming sense of unease, which might very well be chemical or else based on imaginings rather than anything real. I'm absorbing the sorrows of the world again, it feels as if I have no protective outer membrane. I plan to just stay close to home today and try to distract myself from thinking/brooding on things that may just be life inexorably happening. What must it be like to have a quiet mind, as my husband does? What must it feel like to walk through the days with a settled heart. I’m reminded of the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, in which a character declares, "Everything will be alright in the end, and if it is not alright, it is not yet the end." I'm here, my friends, trying to trust that as I concentrate on drawing full breaths. 

My niece Leisa told my daughter that even though she is sad about losing Munch, especially in the way he died, she should still allow herself to feel happy, because she is getting married to her love, and this is also a joyful time. There it is again, the trick of holding two competing truths and allowing them both to be fully what they are. My daughter seemed to manage this on Saturday. She enjoyed her shower and her beloved did too. She told everyone gathered that they were “feeling the love." And truly, to me, she was pure light. Here are more pictures.


  1. What a beautiful event! It's all gorgeous, kudos to your daughter in law and you.

  2. Your family and friend of the family know how to celebrate each other at all phases of your lives. What a joy to see your daughter and her beloved feeling the love. And to see Harper joining in the celebration.

  3. I love the photos and it looks like a good time was had by all. And for you Rosemarie, sending big hugs.

  4. Looks a successful, fun event! I like the flower arranging idea! Clever!
    Deep breaths, calm thoughts, relax and rest when you can. xxoo

  5. so many beautiful people and so much love.

    when what's happening in the world or here in this country starts to raise my anxiety level and make me fear for the future I just have to step back and let it go on without my awareness. ultimately I can only do what I can do. the pendulum swings and I'm lucky to have lived this life at the top of the arc.

  6. Pro Party throwers! Of course, with Harper in the house, everything else is just background, am I right?
    Beautiful folks in their finest- so many flowers, it must have smelled like a garden.

  7. They are a stunning couple. The joy that was there is clearly evident in the photos. Congrats to all for the lovely occasion.

  8. Beautiful people! Love the father/son moment. Love is indeed, a blooming.

  9. If pictures tell a thousand words, this post is a huge novel of love and caring, beauty and sweetness.
    Love to all.

  10. Lovely photos of a sweet time. Congratulations to all.

  11. Wonderul and beautiful - all of it! I hope your anxiety dissipates. Interesting that your husband has calmness about him and you were drawn to it. Sounds like he's a person of confident faith. Those I know who have that quiet, strong faith are typically calmer about life too. I guess they know we're not in the driver's seat?! Deeps breaths and look up to the sky, my dear. May it help. Thank you so much for your postings; I always enjoy your thought-fullness. Kim in PA

  12. Joyous pictures of lovely people. I can feel the love.

  13. Your girl's smile could light up any room. Beautiful is inadequate. Also for the baby' shoes, I have no words, just laughter.
    The flower motif was a brilliant idea and so well executed.
