Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grammy and Bella in Spain

My cousin and her husband and their two daughters—both of them accomplished lawyers in their father's firm, which has "& Daughters" as part of its name—and the husband and child of one daughter and the boyfriend of the other, all went on a family vacation in Spain. The photos they posted are wonderful, but these three, of my cousin and her husband with their adorable and doted on granddaughter (who bears the same name as my daughter, but who is nicknamed Bella) had me simply captivated. Now that is one cool grammy! My cousin always was super elegant, though. I am as in awe of her now as when I was 12 and she was 18. You first met her and Bella here.


  1. Elegant AND beautiful. Family traits, obviously, dear.

  2. That last pic is the bee's knees!

  3. Your family is just endlessly stunning, Angella!

  4. I don't remember Grandparents ever looking so gorgeous...
