Monday, May 6, 2024

Gloria and Grace winked at us

We had a great time on Saturday, everything casual and relaxed, just hanging out together from one in the afternoon till almost midnight. I didn't take many pictures, which I think means I was more fully in the moment, but I did take that one of my daughter and me before she left, and I got a couple of pics of my kids and their sweethearts, too. I should have photographed the cake that both my kids made for me, using their Grandma Gloria's recipe. It was beautiful to behold—took me all the way back to my childhood, when there was always a pineapple upside down cake under the cake glass, ready to serve to whoever stopped by. In that picture of me with my daughter I see my mom's face in mine, and my Aunt Grace's likeness is there, too, and how lovely to see both their faces again. Aunt Grace was always the first one to call me on my birthday, even before my mom. I think she and my mom were winking at me in that photo to wish me a good birthday.


  1. Glad you had such a lovely day with your family. You have such a nice looking group! and I can see all of the love in those pictures.
    I get to pick up my new hearing aids today and am looking forward to that. I hope they improve my ability to participate in conversations as I'm usually smiling and nodding but not understanding all that is said...

  2. I posted a photo of myself on Facebook not long ago and one of my cousins commented how much I looked like my mother. It begins:)
    I'm glad you had a good day and got to be with those you love so very much.

  3. Great photos, as always! Glad everything went well and you got those special reminders of your mother and aunt.

  4. I love these pictures! I have to tell you that although I've only ever seen pictures of your mother (of course), I saw her in your face a few posts back. I don't remember which one but I did.

  5. Your family is your treasure and how well you celebrate them all. Yes, I too see my aunts and my mother, peeking out from my daughter's face. My grandkid is her father's daughter in presence, but that is a fine, fine thing to be.

  6. glad you had such a lovely day with those closest to you. I take after one of my maternal aunts who, coincidentally enough, I'm named after. there's a picture of her in her late 20s, early 30s? that could have been me when I was that age.

  7. Best belated birthday wishes to you!
