Thursday, May 30, 2024

Bed & Breakfast

The season of house guests is here again. Then again, is there ever an off season here at Arrindell Arms Bed & Breakfast, as my husband refers to our apartment? My cousin Andrew and his two daughters were with us for the week, the one on the left above recently graduated from medical school and doing her internship in OB/GYN in Jamaica, and the one on the right fresh from her graduation last weekend from Episcopal High School in Virginia, where she was a boarder. She heads to college in the fall. 

I made the three beauties pose for my camera before they went off into the city yesterday for all manner of exploration. They are a pleasure to host, all of them lively conversationalists who make themselves breakfast every morning from whatever offerings they find. My only task in welcoming them (other than cleaning the house and washing all the linens before they came on Monday) was to lay in a variety of grocery options, eggs, waffles, maple chicken sausages, strawberries, bananas, grapes, smoothie fixings, bagels and cream cheese, croissants and blueberry muffins—they do the rest. 

Then last night we had a festive gathering of the cousins. My kids and their loves, and another niece who now lives in Brooklyn, all hung out here till almost midnight, and as the non stop chatter swirled around me, I silently lamented that these lovely young people had been separated by an ocean as children. Now, hailing each other as adults, they were so simpatico, there was so much laughter and easy sharing, and I wished they all could have had the close cousin relationships I enjoyed when I was growing up, because we were all in the same place. But they're bonding now, and they will always know they have each other, should they ever need one another in some way. I love my family.


  1. I'm pretty sure we all love your family. How can we not?

  2. You are a true hub for the family. What a wonderful role you have.

  3. Simpatico. Perfect word. That really does say it all. It is indeed fantastic to be in simpatico with someone and also so satisfying to observe in others we love.

  4. It's great to have guests who can fend for themselves and yet contribute so much!

  5. You and your home are so welcoming! Of course, that encourages the family closeness you celebrate. It's fun to see all of the hugging and smiling faces. Beautiful family!

  6. how wonderful that your home is where they all want to gather. you did something right.

  7. Sounds delightful in every way. Self-sufficient house guests are the best! Watching the young ones bond is gratifying to say the least. Big love to you and your family. -- Tara

  8. Your family is so much fun, so happy to be together. Enjoy!
