Thursday, May 16, 2024

Room reveal


The bathroom renovation was completed yesterday. I'm a bit shy to show you the reveal, maybe because it’s such a small space that I can’t get a good photo of the entirety of the room. Try to picture those ocean colored tiles in the foreground to be less elongated and more symmetrical. The rear wall in the photo also appears less narrow in real life, and there are some nice bright towels on the wall you can't see. But this is it, a clean new bathroom, one I might walk into somewhere in the Caribbean. I wonder if you can appreciate this without seeing the gloomy grayness of the space before. I'll spare you. 

Next up is our bedroom, where I envision a custom designed and built closet system helping us out with the room's current state of being overrun by too many things, too many of them broken or in need of being purged, and furniture that is way to big for the space. What on earth was I thinking when we moved in twenty-three years ago, and I ordered the furniture pieces to be delivered without taking a single measurement. This feels like the highest hill of all to climb in the slow reclamation of our hard-wearing apartment. We seem to be working at a pace of one project or so a year, which means we probably won't get geared up to undertake the master bedroom till the new year. I might hire a space designer to help us with this one as I feel totally out of my depth. All I know right now is, it will happen. The how isn't so clear yet.


  1. This is a beautiful bathroom! Can't wait to see the eventual redone bedroom next year.

  2. OH WOW, I would live in that bathroom- it looks like how fresh air feels, soft sea foam on toes, and a clear clean mind- It is perfect! I would meditate in that room, either on the pot or not- it would be my" go to" place- refreshing.

  3. Love it. The colour is wonderful and I can almost see the sandy beach stretching away around it.
    My ED and partner have just had their bathroom done. Dark wood and a soft gray. The other daughter is planning to do hers. I think she would love your colour and tile choice - I may, with I hope your approbation - show her this photo.
    What the ED and partner did with their bedroom is have cupboards built in to fit to the space there was. The drawers are staggered, again to fit the space. It is clean and light and I am told it is working a charm.

    1. 37paddington: Mary, by all means show your daughter the picture if you think she would draw inspiration from it!maybe you can share with me a picture of your ED’s built in cupboards—clean and light and working like a charm sounds like exactly what I’m seeking. You can email me at if you do feel able to share a photo!

  4. Every time anyone needs to use your bathroom they can say, "Well, I think I'd like a little island time," and off they'll go. I love it so much.

  5. Oh, that came out great! I love it! Well done, Rosemarie!

  6. Wonderfully light and clean bathroom, Rosemarie. I love your color choices. x0x0 N2

  7. That is a beautiful bathroom. The colour on the walls remind me of seaglass. Well done and I'm sure you're enjoying it.

  8. Lovely reno! I really like the tile color.

  9. Very nice! Love the colors.

  10. what a perfect little bathroom! I don't think you need a designe for your bedroom since you have done a fabulous job with kitched and both bathrooms. trust yourself.

  11. Pleasing shades of water and white stone. Love it.
