Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Imposter syndrome, chemistry, and good vibes

I traveled downtown to meet up with my agent for drinks last evening, she of the sylph-like form and impossibly glamorous mien, around whom chunky mortals like me feel, well, let's just say less than socially cool. But I went. I didn't cancel, as I have done twice already this year. And today I am happy to have sucked it up and gone, especially since I am once again looking toward the next job, and my agent may yet be instrumental in said job somehow finding me. 

My daughter says I was "serving lewks" in this picture of me in my carnival jacket and the earrings my husband gave me for my birthday earlier this month. I love those earrings, and sporting them last evening, along with my very loud and colorful over garment, made me feel somehow armored, festive, more able to meet the world of publishing sophisticates and to muster the pretense of being of that company, and not a a visiting imposter, the way I deep down feel.

Today, unrelated to last night's meeting, I have a call about a new book possibility. This one comes to me through my editor on the last book, who said kind words about me to her colleague. The book this other editor wants to talk to me about is one I would love to write. We shall see how everything unfolds. I am trying to be of the mindset that if I pass the chemistry test with a subject at our first meeting, and I am chosen for the project, then it's a book I'm supposed to do, almost as if it's already happened in a parallel realm, which is to say it's ordained. I'm superstitious that way, or maybe it's a close as I get to religion. The truth is, when it comes to signing on for a book, I'm attracted to those people whose energy I can imagine inhabiting for a year, someone I can fall in love with, a mensch of a person, because the collaborative writing process is the most intimate undertaking I've ever experienced in this work I am fortunate to do. Anyway, please wish me luck and good vibes, because I do think it's time for me to start getting serious about how I'll make a living for another year.


  1. Good Lord! You look like a supermodel! I'm not kidding. What a gorgeous picture of you! It could be a headshot. Seriously.
    And also? Almost everyone suffers from Imposter Syndrome. I guess it's just one of those things you have to learn to just work on through. Good luck with this new possibility!

  2. I had to look it up but your daughter is right, you are serving lewks:)

    As always, I am in awe of your ability to write books. I'm sure you'll end up writing the book you're meant to write.

  3. You look so beautiful here, including the colourful garment.
    I hope you get to find the right chemistry and another inspiring project.

  4. Sometimes a hat or jewelry or outfit can really help with the imposter syndrome. Exited to hear more about this next project.
    (Also, thank you for your insight on my last post. Very helpful words.)

  5. you are gorgeous. just look at that smooth unblemished skin. I would trade almost anything for that. and of course you have another book coming your way because you are excellent at what you do and people notice. go get 'em!

  6. From where I sit, you are a very talented and accomplished writer with an outstanding track record. Who would not want to work with you? And if they choose not to work with you, it is their loss. You do look very beautiful in the photo above. Yes, definitely, most positively, book cover beautiful! Rock on!

  7. That is a seriously cool jacket, and so are the earrings. Like Ellen, I would really like to have your skin. That's a great photo of you.

  8. I think you are an amazing and beautiful woman and I'm surprised you don't think you are cool. I think you are! Best of luck with your work. You are a wonderfully talented woman.

  9. Holding my thumbs for luck for you, even though it seriously impedes my typing. Wow on the photo. I wish I looked like that - glamour never came near me.
