Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sound of Music

Here’s a video recording someone just sent me of our choir singing “The Hills Are Alive” from a Sound of Music medley at our recent concert. I’m putting it here so I can find it again easily. See if you can spot me in the lower right hand corner as the camera pans by. I’m standing next to my friend Lisa. We’ve been singing in choirs together for going on ten years now. I love singing with her, and knowing that we’ll get to see each other at least on rehearsal day every week. We usually go out for soup afterward. This choir we joined post Covid is mostly made up of people who have quite fascinating former pursuits. I am one of the few non-retirees. I never tire of discovering who my singing mates were in their lives before, when few of us were at liberty to meet at 1:30 on a Wednesday afternoon because we were holed up in offices somewhere. People now have more freedom to design a hybrid work life, doing some days in the office and some from home. Normalizing remote work is a gift the pandemic gave us, but honestly, I watch my kids and they’re working just as hard, maybe harder, on the days they work from home. I work hard from home too, which is why I relish the break that a midweek choir rehearsal offers to a group of amateurs who want to make a joyful noise.


  1. I spotted you right away! That was lovely and such a nice way to share you talents!

  2. This has got to be so good for your soul. What a beautiful thing to do with other human beings.

  3. Singing with a large choir is uplifting and fun. You must look forward to putting on performances. I also saw you in the photo. Hopefully work from home will continue. I am hearing that stats show productivity levels are as high or better working from home. No commute is also beneficial.

  4. The singing is beautiful and it was so nice to see you, just barely:)

  5. By the way, my AARP magazine told me today that choir singing is good for your health. It raises your level of an antibody the lowers the risk of cancer! How about that!

  6. The choir is doing a fine job. Lower right?
