Monday, September 30, 2024

Light worker

This girl. I mean. I love this photo of her, taken by her husband during their honeymoon in Greece, two weeks after they were married. That radiant smile is all for him, but he definitely also saw her light. We all bask in my daughter’s light. At my cousin’s memorial service on Saturday, I whispered to her, “Sit next to me, sweetheart. I’m sorry it’s you, I know it’s a lot of pressure to be the one whose energy people find most calming, but right in this moment, I’d welcome that superpower.” She didn’t say a word, just turned that high beam smile on me and hugged me. Then took the seat beside me. 


  1. WOW she is shiny! Radiant- loveliest human - I don't even know how that is possible - to be so light filled and to emit it so successfully! When ever I need a positive fix I will return to this post- may be daily or twice daily...Thank you!

  2. she is so beautiful, and like you say, she just shines.

  3. Your daughter carries forward a light that reflects back the light of her mother and father's love for her, the love of her brother, the love of her beloved husband, and the love that sustains your growing extended family. She is radiant with that light. I see that light in everyone in your family, including your cousin whose light could only be dimmed in the sorrow of addiction.
