Thursday, September 5, 2024

The light she brings

I'm still thrumming with excitement from the book launch event on Tuesday evening. It took place at the historic Apollo theater, a fitting venue to welcome to the world the intimately told and inspiring story of a history making woman, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. To have been chosen as the co-writer for the first Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States was truly the privilege of a lifetime. In terms of the book team, the entire project, beginning to end, could not have been more charmed. Everyone involved in bringing this story to the page was operating from a place of love, because that is the tone set by the Justice, and it was also our great good fortune that, after being courted by publishers everywhere, she chose this particular team. I loved every single person whose effort touched the book, from the publisher and the editor to the capable assistant editor who wrangled all the production details once the manuscript was written and formally accepted. 

The Justice wrote wonderful acknowledgements of our work together, thanking me as well as every other person who played a part in making the book. I won't name names here because this blog is mainly a place where I write to make sense of my own shifting emotions and record the highlights of my life and the doings of my loves. But if you want to know the names of those who made this book happen, turn to the acknowledgements. Truly, this was a labor of love that took a village, and what a village it was!

At the launch event at the Apollo Theater on Tuesday evening, broadcast journalist and CBS Mornings co-host Gayle King sat with Justice Jackson for a ninety minute conversation about the book before a sold-out theater. At one point, the Justice even broke into song, and darned if the whole audience didn't spontaneously sing along! Goosebumps! It was so clear how well loved she is. As Gayle King said to the audience at one point, "You know, I asked [a woman backstage] why we love her so, and she said, 'It's because she stood in her agency.'" 

When she first walked out onto the stage, the entire audience sprang to their feet and the applause was enthusiastic and sustained. This happened again several times during the event, which felt like it went by in a flash, leaving us wanting more. Afterward, the guests of the Justice remained in our seats while the theater was cleared, and then we were ushered backstage to greet our Supreme and take pictures. There were so many of her Harvard College cohorts there, as well as high school friends, and former law clerks and people from all eras of her life, because it appears that the Justice never loses a friend. One of her Harvard roommates, a woman I'd interviewed for the book, texted me the next morning. "The light inside her!" she wrote. "Now everyone gets to see it!!!"

I could go on and on, but instead I'll just share a few photos from Tuesday evening and hope that you'll pick up the book and discover who this remarkable human is for yourself. 

Greeting the woman of the hour

The Dream Team

The editor at right, the agent, and me with the Justice's husband, a top surgeon in his field, who steals hearts everywhere because it is enchanting to witness how completely he loves, believes in, and champions his accomplished wife, his big heart on his sleeve.

The man and me—oh it was a night!


  1. These photos made me smile this morning. I'll have to pick up the book. It's not just the Justice who is an amazing women, but you as well. You rock Rosemarie!

  2. You have literally written history. I am not surprised at all at this achievement and yes, it is quite an achievement. The more highly you think of Ms. Jackson, the more you need to realize that it was YOU she chose to help her tell her amazing story.
    These pictures do indeed bring tears to my eyes. Just beauty and love and light everywhere.

    1. Mary, the whole time I was working on the book, I was thinking, like a drumbeat, "Woman, you dare not f*ck this up, because this is history." She surely is. Thank you, my dear friend and sister spirit, for always extending your hand.

  3. Massive congratulations! I remember way back when you blogged about starting to work freelance and how nervous you were about it, both in terms of skill, opportunities and income. And now look at you!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Sabine. We've been here around the table together for a long time! I love that.

  4. Everything about this is fabulous. What a story you got to write! I have just ordered the book; cannot wait to read it.

    1. Elle, thank you! I appreciate the support and yes, it was quite an assignment. One for the ages.

  5. Wow - just WOW!! I have goosebumps - actual goosebumps - reading this. What an amazing night and a testament not just to the woman of the hour but also to your part in bringing her story to so many more people. What an accomplishment and what a wonderful memory to store away!

    1. jenny_o, it will be part of my highlight reel for sure. Thank you for the kind words, my birthday twin. Sending love.

  6. I am certain Justice Jackson had the choice of many of your colleagues, and I have to say again what an honor and a privilege it was for you to be chosen by such an exceptional person. The launch event was a wonderful idea, a great way to celebrate the work you and your team did to make the book happen. Congratulations!!! Jim Davis

    1. Thank you, Jim! It was all so charmed it felt as if we'd all decided to do this work together before we ever met. I know that sounds odd, lol

  7. What a cool night for you and yours. Congratulations on writing this book.

    1. Thank you, Alison. It's all quite amazing for sure.

  8. There is so much love and joy around this book! Thank you so much for sharing the photos from the celebration. Yesterday the book was in the center of a display at our local independent bookstore. I sat down with a copy, looked at all the photos and read the acknowledgements. Because I can no longer afford to buy new books, I'm looking forward to reading one of our two public library copies. I'm #8 in line. It won't be a long wait.

    1. am, thank you for your support always. I hope you enjoy the book! love.

  9. What a wonderful celebration you had there. And what an experience to work with a Supreme Court Justice. Congratulations in every way. (NewRobin13)

    1. Robin, I'm the child of a judge so her world felt immediately relatable. But she is an exceptional human in every way.

  10. oh, woman, do you have any idea how accomplished and important you are? that you bring your subjects to life? congratulations.

    1. ellen, haha, thank you! I toil behind the scenes, and the books I do, every single one, feel important to me. But this one, it is history.

  11. Congratulations! Thanks for the peeks.

  12. Congratulations! What wonderful women, you and Justice Jackson. So happy for you! What a night indeed! Just ordered my copy and very much looking forward to reading it. Much love.

  13. What an exciting night! I got the book from the library yesterday and was just sharing the news when commenting on another blog. I'm so happy to say I "know" you through your blog, Rosemarie. Congratulations!

  14. So grateful for leaders like Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson, and for leaders like you who help illuminate her story and transmit that light worldwide.

  15. The Light is going to my book club. I think I would have found it even without your blog mentions, but this way is quick. Love it. And love that she is where she is and may there be many more. MANY more.

  16. Although I read every single one of your blog entries and have greatly enjoyed and deeply appreciated you for years….i have hardly ever written a comment. I admire you so much and value greatly your soul and heart,your insights and beliefs…and am greatly impressed by the family you and your husband have created. You are a gift to so many of us. Mary in Colorado

  17. This is wonderful. Is that Gayle? Yes indeed it is. Amazing.
