Saturday, August 13, 2011

Worth the Pilgrimage

I have, this morning, been going through the photos my husband took this summer. I found a lot I want to steal, um, share, including these photographs of my heart children grabbing a quick burger last May just before we drove our son to the airport so he could catch his flight to England, where he was scheduled to gallivant with friends for two weeks. Five Guys does a roaring business, situated as it is right next to Columbia and Barnard, inviting college students to stumble in at all hours for its burgers with their endless array of free toppings. Our college kids pictured here (that would be all of them except my daughter), who happen to go to the same school upstate, had long extolled this staple in their college town and so were quite happy to have one open in our neighborhood this spring. Gee, I sound like an ad, when all I wanted with this post was to was put my children's faces where I could see them. 


  1. We have a new one round the corner from us. Haven't been tempted myself but I hear it's very good. You're kids are a good-looking bunch BTW!

  2. There's one in Tallahassee. I am literally afraid to go in there.

  3. Such good looking kids! But I'm afraid your son isn't a kid anymore lady, he looks like a legit man!

  4. I thought this was an ad for cell phones.
    Have a great Sunday, Angella! m.

  5. Expat mom, nice to see you. If you are a carnivore, the burgers are indeed very fine.

    Ms. Moon, afraid why?

    Miss A, he is indeed a legit man, even though still only 19. he belongs to the world now. bless him.

    Mark, ha! i am so used to the cell phones i hadn't even noticed their ubiquitousness. wait till your babies are teens get their own! you will no longer notice the cell phones in these pictures.

  6. Five Guys is pretty great. My too-high cholesterol levels are afraid to go in there...

    Love the pics!
