Friday, August 12, 2016

Funky shoo

My darling girl got the job. It happened as soon as she finished clearing out her room, which had been overrun with four years of college paraphernalia ever since she got home in June. When I fussed, her brother told me, "Mom, it's not a mess in there. It's a work in progress. She is trying to curate 22 years of her life." So I tried to back off and let her chaos be. And then, one night she just packed up everything she didn't want to keep and took it to the basement. "This is good funky shoo," I told her when she was done (funky shoo is what my husband calls fung shui). "Everything's going to start flowing to you now." I was joking, but maybe I was on to something. The next day she got a call to come in and meet "the rest of the team" and a day after that she was offered the job. She's happy as can be.


  1. Why am I not surprised one bit? She's amazing. And she's your daughter. Please give her big congratulations from me.

  2. Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news and such an exciting time for a mother, too.

  3. I add my voice to the congratulations and a happy life for your young woman!

  4. Your girl just radiates light! She is going to shine in her new job.

  5. So lovely and I wish her so much success!

    Also, I love "funky shoo". LOVE it.

  6. Love it your children are amazing. I am adopting funky shoo~

  7. Congratulaions to your daughter! That funky shoo must really work!!

  8. I just finished catching up on your blog. Overall, you are a beautiful soul and I love you from L.A.

  9. Whooo hoooo! Congratulations on the job.

  10. Good for her! Congratulations all around. And may more funky shoo be in your futures.
