Thursday, April 22, 2021

At the end of a city block

“Optimism skipped out on the rent a while back, but the cynic in the penthouse won't leave until led out by marshals.” Colson Whitehead, The Colossus of New York


Spring is here, nevertheless.  

Good that I don't live in a penthouse. 

I get to be among the tulips.


  1. I said to Jessie today, "It's impossible not to be in a good mood on a day like this."
    And I'm grateful for days like the ones we had here today. Looks like you're having one of those too.

  2. A season of renewal -- and hopefully optimism, the cynic in the penthouse notwithstanding!

  3. It's so lovely to see the tulips there. A good balance of beauty to the times we are living in.

  4. Beautiful. Expecting our soon. Check out the City of Ottawa tulip display.

  5. tulips are always a treat to see. they don't naturalize here, too hot, and have to be planted every year. consequently, I don't have any preferring native perennials.

  6. I hiked in a field of bluebells today with my sister. A lovely morning to visit and explore. Perfect!

  7. Tulips! You know there was a tulip mania in the 17th century in Europe. People went mad over these flowers and bid their life savings away for just a short glimpse of a stunning flower.

  8. I love tulips. They're just so dang cheerful, like daffodils are.

  9. One of my friends loathes spring. I cannot fathom hating any season but spring, of all seasons, is so full of promise. The tulips are scrummy.
