Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Takes the Cake

We're making strides, y'all. Obama's moving on immigration, including rights for same sex partners, and moving on gun control and mental health too. One of my friends posted this fabulous letter on Facebook. I want to think it really is getting better. All of it, even the jockeying yesterday between Republicans and Democrats over who was going to get the credit for immigration reform. I'll take that sort of jockeying, even for the wrong reasons, over the alternative any day.


  1. Don't you love this! How could her parents fail to love their daughter and not be extra-specially proud of her verve and humor?

    1. Glenn, my thought exactly! And yet she still through there was the possibility of "tiers," which made me a little sad. All things considered, though, clearly a close bond exists here.

  2. Best coming out ever! I would love to know how the parents reacted.

  3. I love this, and spent a moment thinking about how she made that, from scratch, hoping and worrying, anxious maybe. Just lovely. Already shared it everywhere. Maybe I'll get a few strategic unfriends :)

    1. Mel, as long as the unfriends are strategic, then no harm done, right. I too have shared this everywhere.

  4. What a great, great picture! And letter. And obviously, kid.
    Yeah. It's nice to see things change in any sort of positive direction, isn't it?

  5. Replies
    1. Soooo, dear Bruce, cake. Hmmm. Your birthday! Happy birthday!!! Did you have cake?

  6. Love this. found it from grady doctor right after I posted this blog. Amazing coincidence. Best of luck to you!

    1. Toni, welcome by way of the grady doctor! thanks for sharing your post too.

  7. We are indeed moving forward. It's amazing to see where we are relative to just a few years ago.

    1. Steve, i know a woman who is conservative and born again who was not in favor of gay rights just two short years ago, and while she is still not in favor of gay marriage, today her support for gay rights is (almost) full throated, except we still debate the fact that until the right to marry whom one loves is part of those rights, then they are limited at best. Still, I am heartened by the fact that she has moved some distance in the last two years. I think she'll get there.
