Friday, April 1, 2011

Wooden Doors

"I thought how unpleasant it is 
to be locked out; and I thought how 
it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in."

—Virginia Woolf

There is a story to these doors. I saw them and they took me right back to another time in another place. I was five years old, a schoolgirl at Peterborough Primary School in London, England, where our family was living that year. I have no time to tell of it now. I am so very busy at work, in a way that brings home to me that I had been treading water, executing diligently but without true engagement, which I think was my way of protecting myself. Engagement is a whole lot harder! But I will be back to sort through the splinters probably, because today I see all kinds of connections between these doors and who I became. Childish acts can leave such indelible marks on a life. And yet the children are only being children. There is no one to blame. 


  1. I love that photograph, and there's already so much in what you intimate, and the Woolf quote. Very evocative.

  2. I'm holding my breath.

    And what a terrific quote from Virginia.

  3. Beautiful in every way. Like you.

  4. oh, you've got me all enthralled ...
    in every way.

  5. we await.
    i am happy to hear that you are happily entrenched at work, tho--that's what youre saying, yes?
    i'm heading to the city this weekend for an absurdly brief visit; but... some day, some visit, let's do tea?

  6. Hi Jody here, nice to meet you, came through Expat Mum. Would love to read more!

  7. Amazing doors. Perfect paired with the Woolf quote.
