Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happier things

One of my daughter's college friends has been here all week, sleeping in my daughter's former room, and doing a jigsaw puzzle with me at the dining room table at random hours of the day. In between she's been hanging out with college friends in the city, then meeting up with my daughter and her friends after work. She graduated last week from Cornell's Hotel School, and is on her way back home to Arizona this morning, having left for the airport before daylight. She was a good friend to my daughter up there in the frozen northlands where they went to college. For three years in a row she came home with my girl at Thanksgiving and rode it out amid our crazy relatives in a jam packed household. She's so easy to have around. My daughter said the same thing, that she's easy to bring into any group of friends, you never have to worry about her connecting and being okay. This morning at 4 AM, when I woke up to hug her goodbye, her Uber waiting downstairs, she said, "Thank you for loving me and taking me in year after year and making me a part of your family. There simply aren't enough ways to say how much it has meant to me. I promise I'll be back before you know it." Her words just melted my heart. As my husband said earlier when our girl asked if her friend could stay with us for a few days on the way back home, "Rachel is welcome in this house any time."


  1. Another daughter is indeed welcome! I loved that about my son's friends too, they are welcome anytime. I trained them to do the dishes...

    1. Haha, very smart! The friends are so willing I find, far more compliant than the children!

  2. Beauty twins!!!!
    It is somehow just the loveliest thing when our children's friends come to love us too, isn't it?

    1. Mary, they are! And you're so right. The love we feel for these people who love our children is so expansive, and it's extra special when they love us back!

  3. Friends like that are a joy.

  4. Beautiful double portrait. There is revolutionary power in the love that is shared here at your blog.

    1. am, love is the most revolutionary force there is, i don't remember who said that, but i truly believe it. thank you for being here and adding to the love in this heart space.

  5. What a beautiful pair! It's great to have a welcome visitor.

    1. Steve, some people are so easy and pleasant to have around.

  6. When I look at their beautiful faces, I think... the future belongs to them. It will be in good hands and hearts.

    1. Robin, with them, the future is in good hearts indeed.

  7. What a wonderful young woman! She did not want your love to go unrecognized and wanted to let you know how much she appreciated you.
